typo3/cms-backend dependents (316) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    TYPO3 CMS Admin Panel - The Admin Panel displays information about your site in the frontend and contains a range of metrics including debug and caching information.

  • typo3/cms-base-distribution

    TYPO3 CMS Base Distribution

  • PHP


    TYPO3 CMS Dashboard - TYPO3 backend module used to configure and create backend widgets.

  • PHP



  • PHP


    TYPO3 CMS Redirects - Create manual redirects, list existing redirects and automatically createredirects on slug changes.

  • typo3/minimal

    Minimal required set of TYPO3 extensions

  • PHP


    The TYPO3 testing framework provides base classes for unit, functional and acceptance testing.

  • typoniels/accordion

    A simple accordion content element for structuring large amounts of content, e.g. for the privacy policy. The Accordion is based on Irre records and offers a search function in addition to icons. In use at www.typoniels.de/datenschutzerklaerung

  • typoniels/site_belogin

    This Extension make it possible to configure a background image and logo for the typo3 backend login in the Site-Management Module per Site, and if no site configuration can be obtained from the backend login url, the extension uses the default settings from the ExtensionConfiguration module as Fallback.

  • PHP


    Provides a task queue for other extensions to use.

  • PHP


    A TYPO3 extension that makes mailing and newsletter sending cute. Send TYPO3 pages as emails to many recipients.

  • PHP


    A TYPO3 extension that connects registeraddress and cute-mailing.

  • PHP


    A TYPO3 extension that connects tt_address and cute-mailing.

  • viktor-firus/image-tools

    This extension is a toolkit to generate responsive images in fluid templates (with optional lazy loading and opportunity to define animations yourself for lazy loading).

  • PHP


    Cloudinary integration in TYPO3. Use automatic breakpoint generation for images.