
This Extension make it possible to configure a background image and logo for the typo3 backend login in the Site-Management Module per Site, and if no site configuration can be obtained from the backend login url, the extension uses the default settings from the ExtensionConfiguration module as Fall

0.0.2 2022-01-17 23:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-18 05:05:26 UTC


!!! Just in Beta, not production READY !!!

Screenshot SiteConfiguration

This extension allows you to set the logo and background image for BE login per site in the site configuration. If no site configuration can be obtained from the backend login url, the extension uses the default settings from the ExtensionConfiguration module.

For what this Extension is usefull:
TYPO3 offers the possibility to define logo, background image and acceptance color for the backend login page in the extension configuration. For most installations this is perfectly sufficient and the extension is not useful.

If there are several websites in the instance, which are maintained by different customers/teams, you have to decide wich branding strategy you would use. With the extension it is possible to output the styling depending on the base url wich match with the site configuration. This makes it easier for larger instances to always have appropriate branding available at first backend contact.


You can download the extension as a zip or install it directly via Composer.

composer require typoniels/site_belogin

To get the Extension directly from this Gitlab please add the following to your composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://www.halle-development.com/typoniels-extensions/site_belogin.git"

Setup of the Extension

  1. The Setup of the Extension is quite easy. Just Install and activate it in the extensionmanager (v10).
  2. Set your Overrides in the Sitemanagement-Module
  3. Serve the Backend by the Base-Url of your Site

TODOs / Known Problems

  • Handle all Urls from Siteconfiguration, currently only the Base is used.
  • Add Option to define generic/specific Fallbacks (e.g. Regix)

Found a Bug?

Feel free to write me a mail or create a Issue direct in the Gitlab Issue-Tracker. Contribution is always welcome.

You need a customized TYPO3 solution?
Niels Langlotz | typoniels.de