
Cloudinary integration in TYPO3. Use automatic breakpoint generation for images.

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A TYPO3 extension that connect TYPO3 with Cloudinary services by the means of a Cloudinary Driver for FAL. The extension also provides various View Helpers to render images on the Frontend. Cloudinary is a service provider dealing with images and videos. It offers various services among other:

  • CDN for fast images and videos delivering
  • Manipulation of images and videos such as cropping, resizing and much more...
  • DAM functionalities where images can be tagged and metadata edited

Compatibility and Maintenance

This package is currently maintained for the following versions:

TYPO3 Version Package Version Branch Maintained
TYPO3 11.5.x 4.x master Yes
TYPO3 11.5.x 3.x - No
TYPO3 11.5.x 0.x - No


The extension should be done by Composer

composer require visol/cloudinary

Note that the extension will require the library cloudinary/cloudinary_php and be automatically downloaded into vendor.


If it is not already the case, create an account on Cloudinary at first. Once the extension is installed, we should create a file storage.

For a new "file storage" record, then:

  • Pick the Cloudinary driver in the driver dropdown menu.
  • Fill in the requested fields. Password and secrets can be found from the Cloudinary Console.

Once the record is saved, you should see a message telling the connection could be successfully established. You can now head to the File module list. Notice the first time you click on a folder in the File list module, it will take some time since the images must be fetched and put into the cloudinary cache.

Notice you can also use environment variable to configure the storage. The environment variable should be surrounded by %. Example %env(BUCKET_NAME%)


For the debug purposes Cloudinary API calls are logged to better track and understand how and when the API is called. It might be useful to check the log file in case of a low response time in the BE.

tail -f public/typo3temp/var/logs/cloudinary.log

To decide: we now have log level INFO. We might consider "increasing" the level to "DEBUG".

Caveats and trouble shooting

  • Free Cloudinary account allows 500 API request per day
  • This cloudinary FAL driver is currently limited to images.


The extension provides ViewHelpers that can be used like that:

  1. Output an images and its source-set.
<html xmlns:c="">
    <c:cloudinaryImage image="{file}"/>

This will produces the following output:

<img sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" 
     srcset=",fl_lossy,q_auto,c_crop/c_scale,w_768/v1570098754/sample/animals/cat.jpg 768w,
  ,fl_lossy,q_auto,c_crop/c_scale,w_553/v1570098754/sample/animals/cat.jpg 553w,
  ,fl_lossy,q_auto,c_crop/c_scale,w_100/v1570098754/sample/animals/cat.jpg 100w" 
    src="" />
  1. Generate an array of variants that can be iterated.
<html xmlns:c="">
    <c:cloudinaryImageData image="{file}">

CLI Command

Move bunch of images from a local storage to a cloudinary storage.


  1. Moving means: we are "manually" uploading a file (skipping FAL API) to the Cloudinary storage and deleting the one from the local storage (rm -f FILE) Finally we are changing the value to the cloudinary storage. The file uid will be kept!
./vendor/bin/typo3 cloudinary:move 1 2
# param 1: the source storage uid (local)
# param 2: the target storage uid (cloudinary)

# Will all parameters
./vendor/bin/typo3 cloudinary:move 1 2 --base-url=https://domain.tld/fileadmin --folder-filter=folderFilter

# --base-url: the base URL where to download files (the file will be downloaded directly from the remote)
# --filter: a possible filter, ex., /foo/bar/%
# --filter-file-type: add a possible filter for file type as defined by FAL (e.g 1,2,3,4,5)
# --limit: add a possible offset, limit to restrain the number of files. (eg. 0,100)
# --yes: do not ask question. Just do it!
# --silent: be quiet!

After "moving" files you should fix the jpeg extension for the Cloudinary storage by running the command below. It is worth mentioning that Cloudinary stripped the file extension for images. For instance a file image.jpg or image.jpeg uploaded on Cloudinary will be stored as image without the file extension. By inspecting the file, we will see that Cloudinary only consider the "jpg" extension. Consequently image.jpeg will be served as image.jpg. This has an implication for us. Record from table sys_file must be adjusted and occurrences jpeg in file identifier or file name must be changed to jpg for consistency.

./vendor/bin/typo3 cloudinary:fix 2
# where "2" is the target storage uid (cloudinary)

Tip: to sync / upload a bunch of files, you can use the Cloudinary CLI which is convenient to upload many resources at once.

cld sync --push localFolder remoteFolder

The extension provides also a tool to copy a bunch of files (restricted to images) from one storage to an another. This can be achieved with this command:

./vendor/bin/typo3 cloudinary:copy 1 2         
# where 1 is the source storage (local)
# and 2 is the target storage (cloudinary)
# Ouptut:
Copying 64 files from storage "fileadmin/ (auto-created)" (1) to "Cloudinary Storage (fabidule)" (2)
Copying /introduction/images/typo3-book-backend-login.png
Copying /introduction/images/content/content-quote.png
Number of file copied: 64

For your information a set of acceptance tests has been implemented to validate the functionnalities of the driver.

./vendor/bin/typo3 cloudinary:tests fabidule:1234:ABCD 

Development tools

Type command make at the source of the extension to display utility commands related to code formatting.

 make [target]

Available targets:
 help:            Help
 lint:           Display formatting issues in detail
 lint-summary:   Display a summary of formatting issues
 lint-fix:       Automatically fix code formatting issues

Web Hook

Whenever uploading or editing a file through the Cloudinary Manager you can configure an URL as a web hook to be called to invalidate the cache in TYPO3. This is highly recommended to keep the data consistent between Cloudinary and TYPO3.


Beware: Do not rename, move or delete files in the Cloudinary Media Library. TYPO3 will not know about the change. We may need to implement a web hook. For now, it is necessary to perform these action in the File module in the Backend.

Source of inspiration

Adapter for theleague php flysystem for Cloudinary