tomfun / brander-eav
helps to create entity that have different attributes (fields) in same database. Also provide integration with elastic search friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle
Installs: 619
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 2
Watchers: 2
Forks: 2
Open Issues: 1
Requires (Dev)
How it work, what is it
Install bundle
composer require tomfun/brander-eav
// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() // ... new \Brander\Bundle\EAVBundle\BranderEAVBundle(), new FOS\ElasticaBundle\FOSElasticaBundle(), new JMS\AopBundle\JMSAopBundle(), new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(), // optional new JMS\DiExtraBundle\JMSDiExtraBundle($this), // ...
# app/config/parameters.yml # same add to app/config/parameters.yml.dist parameters: # ......... locale: ru
just enable elastica bundle and add base configuration
#app/config/config.yml fos_elastica: clients: default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 } indexes: app: ~
- FOSElasticaBundle()
- JMSAopBundle()
- JMSDiExtraBundle($this)
- JS router with generate function
- Twigjs filters (for listing frontend)
- trans
- transchoice
- Compatible gulp task with twigjs compilation
First at all
- you must have entity you want to search
- query php class
- search result class
Config example
brander_eav: fixturesDirectory: /home/tomfun/fixtures-data useJmsSerializer: false #turn off standard elastica serializer for known entity list_class_map: - Sdelka\Bundle\AdvertBundle\Entity\Advert #entity with eav values, auto find query and result classes in model dir
this expanded as:
brander_eav: useJmsSerializer: false #turn off standard elastica serializer for known entity list_class_map: - entity: Sdelka\Bundle\AdvertBundle\Entity\Advert #orm entity query: Sdelka\Bundle\AdvertBundle\Model\AdvertQuery #query class. must exist. result: Sdelka\Bundle\AdvertBundle\Model\AdvertQuery #result class. must exist. serviceClass: Brander\Bundle\EAVBundle\Service\Elastica\EavList #service class
also you must implement some interfaces (e.g. SearchableEntityInterface). name of listing service in this case: "brander_eav.elastica.list.sdelka_advert.advert"
if you don't need auto configuration of elastica bundle, you can use simple serialize directive (searchable) and configure elastic search bundle manually:
brander_eav: useJmsSerializer: false #turn off standard elastica serializer for known entity searchable: - Sdelka\Bundle\AdvertBundle\Entity\Advert #orm entity
show auto-generated lists (inner elastica index name / type name):
app/console de:cont | grep "brander_eav.elastica.list"
in app/config/routing.yml add this lines:
# app/config/routing.yml eav: resource: "@BranderEAVBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" options: i18n: false expose: true
default admin url is /admin/eav/manage/
if you want grant access for admin part for non admin (example: manager)
brander_eav: useJmsSerializer: false #turn off standard elastica serializer for known entity manageRole: ROLE_MANAGER
or for anonymous: manageRole: "anon."
or rewrite voter service:
also look into ElasticaSkeletonBundle
- vendor/werkint/stats-bundle/src/Service/Security/Voter/StatsVoter.php supportsAttribute
- backbone.modelbinder -> stickit
wtf: voter Twig\BranderEAVExtension \Brander\Bundle\EAVBundle\DependencyInjection\BranderEAVExtension::getConfiguration