
App notifier support.

1.0.6 2024-08-08 17:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 18:36:10 UTC


Notifier support for the app using the Notifier Service.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Add the latest version of the app notifier project running this command.

composer require tobento/app-notifier


  • PHP 8.0 or greater



Check out the App Skeleton if you are using the skeleton.

You may also check out the App to learn more about the app in general.

Notifier Boot

The notifier boot does the following:

  • installs and loads notifier config file
  • implements notifier interfaces
use Tobento\App\AppFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\NotifierInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\ChannelsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\QueueHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\App\Notifier\AvailableChannelsInterface;
use Tobento\App\Notifier\NotificationsInterface;
use Tobento\App\Notifier\Storage\NotificationFormattersInterface;

// Create the app
$app = (new AppFactory())->createApp();

// Add directories:
    ->dir(realpath(__DIR__.'/../'), 'root')
    ->dir(realpath(__DIR__.'/../app/'), 'app')
    ->dir($app->dir('app').'config', 'config', group: 'config')
    ->dir($app->dir('root').'public', 'public')
    ->dir($app->dir('root').'vendor', 'vendor');

// Adding boots

// Implemented interfaces:
$notifier = $app->get(NotifierInterface::class);
$channels = $app->get(ChannelsInterface::class);
$queueHandler = $app->get(QueueHandlerInterface::class);
$availableChannels = $app->get(AvailableChannelsInterface::class);
$notificationFormatters = $app->get(NotificationFormattersInterface::class);
$notifications = $app->get(NotificationsInterface::class);

// Run the app

Notifier Config

The configuration for the notifier is located in the app/config/notifier.php file at the default App Skeleton config location where you can specify the notification channels for your application.

Creating And Sending Notifications

use Tobento\Service\Notifier\NotifierInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Notification;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Recipient;

class SomeService
    public function send(NotifierInterface $notifier): void
        // Create a Notification that has to be sent:
        // using the "email" and "sms" channel
        $notification = new Notification(
            subject: 'New Invoice',
            content: 'You got a new invoice for 15 EUR.',
            channels: ['mail', 'sms'],

        // The receiver of the notification:
        $recipient = new Recipient(
            email: '',
            phone: '15556666666',

        // Send the notification to the recipient:
        $notifier->send($notification, $recipient);

Check out the Notifier Service - Creating And Sending Notifications section to learn more about it.

Supported Channels

By default, the following channels are supported:

Queuing Notifications

Sending notifications can be a time-consuming task, you may queue notification messages for background sending to mitigate this issue.

To queue notification messages, simply add the Queue Parameter to your message:


use Tobento\Service\Notifier\NotifierInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Notification;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Recipient;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Parameter\Queue;

class SomeService
    public function send(NotifierInterface $notifier): void
        // Create a Notification that has to be sent:
        // using the "email" and "sms" channel
        $notification = (new Notification(
            subject: 'New Invoice',
            content: 'You got a new invoice for 15 EUR.',
            channels: ['mail', 'sms'],
        ))->parameter(new Queue(
            // you may specify the queue to be used:
            name: 'secondary',
            // you may specify a delay in seconds:
            delay: 30,
            // you may specify how many times to retry:
            retry: 3,
            // you may specify a priority:
            priority: 100,
            // you may specify if you want to encrypt the message:
            encrypt: true,

        // The receiver of the notification:
        $recipient = new Recipient(
            email: '',
            phone: '15556666666',

        // Send the notification to the recipient:
        $notifier->send($notification, $recipient);

The Notifier Boot automatically boots the App Queue Boot to support queuing messages out of the box.

You will only need to configure your queues in the Queue Config file.

Available Channels

The available channels may be used to restrict channels for certain services or to display its names and/or titles. By default all channels specified in the app/config/notifier.php file will be available.

use Tobento\App\Notifier\AvailableChannelsInterface;

$channels = $app->get(AvailableChannelsInterface::class);

var_dump($channels->has(channel: 'sms'));
// bool(true)

var_dump($channels->titleFor(channel: 'sms'));
// string(3) "Sms"

// array(3) {[0]=> string(4) "mail" [1]=> string(3) "sms" [2]=> string(7) "storage"}

// array(3) {[0]=> string(4) "Mail" [1]=> string(3) "Sms" [2]=> string(7) "Storage"} 

var_dump($channels->titlesToString(separator: ', '));
// string(18) "Mail, Sms, Storage"

// Add a new title for a channel returning a new instance:
$channels = $channels->withTitle(channel: 'sms', title: 'SMS Channel');
var_dump($channels->titleFor(channel: 'sms'));
// string(11) "SMS Channel"

// Returns a new instance with the channels mapped.
$channels = $channels->map(fn($title, $name) => strtoupper($title));
var_dump($channels->titlesToString(separator: ', '));
// string(26) "MAIL, SMS CHANNEL, STORAGE"

// Returns a new instance with the channels sorted by its name:
$channels = $channels->sortByName();

// Returns a new instance with the channels sorted by its title:
$channels = $channels->sortByTitle();

// Count channels:
// int(3)

// Returns a new instance with with only the channels specified:
$channels = $channels->only(['sms', 'mail']);

// Returns a new instance with the channels except those specified:
$channels = $channels->except(['sms', 'mail']);

// Iteration:
foreach($channels->all() as $name => $title) {}
// or just:
foreach($channels as $name => $title) {}

Storage Notification Formatters

Storage notification formatters may be used to format notifications stored by the Storage Channel.

General Formatter

You may use the general formatter which uses the following storage message data:

use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Notification;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Message;

$notification = (new Notification())
    ->addMessage('storage', new Message\Storage([
        'message' => 'You received a new order.',
        'action_text' => 'View Order',
        'action_route' => 'orders.view',
        'action_route_parameters' => ['id' => 555],

In app/config/notifier.php:

'formatters' => [

The action_route and action_route_parameters data will used to generate the message url if you have installed the App Http - Routing Boot.

The message and action_text data will be translated by the formatter if you have installed the App Translation Boot.

General Formatter Example

You may create your own general formatter for notifications:

use Tobento\App\Notifier\Storage\NotificationFormatterInterface;
use Tobento\App\Notifier\Storage\Notification;

class GeneralNotificationFormatter implements NotificationFormatterInterface
    public function format(Notification $notification): Notification
        // General data available:
        $id = $notification->id();
        $name = $notification->name();
        $recipientId = $notification->recipientId();
        $recipientType = $notification->recipientType();
        $readAt = $notification->get('read_at');
        $createdAt = $notification->get('created_at');
        $subject = $notification->get('data.subject', '');
        $content = $notification->get('data.content', '');
        // Format:
        return $notification
            ->withMessage($subject.': '.$content);

In app/config/notifier.php:

'formatters' => [

Specific Formatter Example

You may create a specific formatter to format specific notifications only:

use Tobento\App\Notifier\Storage\NotificationFormatterInterface;
use Tobento\App\Notifier\Storage\Notification;
use Tobento\Service\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Routing\RouterInterface;

class NewOrderNotificationFormatter implements NotificationFormatterInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected TranslatorInterface $translator,
        protected RouterInterface $router,
    ) {}
    public function format(Notification $notification): Notification
        // You may only format specific notifications
        if (!$notification->name() instanceof NewOrderNotification) {
            return $notification;
        // Stop further formatters to format notification:
        // Retrieve specific message data:
        $orderId = $notification->get('data.order_id');
        // Format:
        return $notification
            ->withMessage($this->translator->trans('New order received'))
                text: $this->translator->trans('View Order'),
                url: $this->router->url('orders.view', ['id' => $orderId]),

In app/config/notifier.php:

'formatters' => [

Custom Notifications

You may easily customize notifications by defining them in the app/config/notifier.php file:

use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Parameter\Queue;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\NotificationInterface;

'notifications' => [
    // using a custom notification:
    UserRegisterNotification::class => CustomUserRegisterNotification::class,
    // using a notification factory:
    UserRegisterNotification::class => UserRegisterNotificationFactory::class,
    // using a closure:
    UserRegisterNotification::class => function (UserRegisterNotification $notification): NotificationInterface {
        return $notification->parameter(new Queue());
    // if named notification:
    'register' => CustomUserRegisterNotification::class,

Creating Custom Notification

use Tobento\Service\Notifier\AbstractNotification;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\RecipientInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\Message;

class CustomUserRegisterNotification extends AbstractNotification implements Message\ToSms
    public function __construct(
        protected UserRegisterNotification $notification,
        // ...
    ) {}
    public function toSms(RecipientInterface $recipient, string $channel, SomeService $service): Message\SmsInterface
        return new Message\Sms(
            subject: 'Thanks for your registration',

Creating Notification Factory

use Tobento\App\Notifier\NotificationFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Notifier\NotificationInterface;

class UserRegisterNotificationFactory implements NotificationFactoryInterface
    public function createNotification(NotificationInterface $notification): NotificationInterface
        // create custom notification:
        // or modify original:
        return $notification;

Clear Notifications Command

If you have installed the App Console you may clear all notifications from channels which supports it such as storage channels using the notifications:clear command.

Clearing all notifications from all supported channels

php ap notifications:clear

Clearing all notifications from all specific channels

php ap notifications:clear --channel=foo --channel=bar

Available Options

Option Description
--channel=name The name(s) of the channel(s).
--read-only Clears only notifications that are read.
--unread-only Clears only notifications that are unread.
--older-than-days=10 The number of days after which to clear notifications.
