
Storage repository implementation.

1.0.7 2025-01-13 17:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 17:41:53 UTC


Storage repository implementation.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the repository storage service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-repository-storage


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Check out the Storage Service - Storages for its available storages.

Check out the Repository Service for its documentation.

Storage Repository

To create a storage repository simply extend the StorageRepository::class:

You may also check out the Repository With Columns section to create the repository using columns.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\ReadRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\WriteRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageEntityFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\Tables\Tables;

class ProductRepository extends StorageRepository

$repository = new ProductRepository(
    storage: new  InMemoryStorage(
        items: [],
        tables: (new Tables())->add('products', ['id', 'sku', 'price'], 'id')
    table: 'products', // specify which storage table should be used.
    entityFactory: null, // null|StorageEntityFactoryInterface

var_dump($repository instanceof RepositoryInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($repository instanceof ReadRepositoryInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($repository instanceof WriteRepositoryInterface);
// bool(true)

By default, the read and write methods will return the following types depending on the method called:

You may specify a custom Storage Entity Factory to return custom entities by the entityFactory parameter.

Storage Read Repository

To create a storage read repository simply extend the StorageReadRepository::class:

You may also check out the Repository With Columns section to create the repository using columns.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\ReadRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageReadRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageEntityFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\Tables\Tables;

class ProductReadRepository extends StorageReadRepository
    // adding custom find methods

$repository = new ProductReadRepository(
    storage: new  InMemoryStorage(
        items: [
            'products' => [
                1 => ['id' => 1, 'sku' => 'paper', 'price' => 1.2],
                2 => ['id' => 2, 'sku' => 'pen', 'price' => 1.8],
                3 => ['id' => 3, 'sku' => 'pencil', 'price' => 1.5],
        tables: (new Tables())->add('products', ['id', 'sku', 'price'], 'id')
    table: 'products',
    entityFactory: null, // null|StorageEntityFactoryInterface

var_dump($repository instanceof ReadRepositoryInterface);
// bool(true)

By default, the find methods will return the following types depending on the method called:

You may specify a custom Storage Entity Factory to return custom entities by the entityFactory parameter.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$entity = $repository->findById(id: 2);

var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(3) "pen"

$entity = $repository->findById(id: 5);


You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$entities = $repository->findByIds(1, 2, 8);

var_dump($entities instanceof ItemsInterface);
// bool(true)

// int(2)

foreach($entities as $entity) {
    var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
    // bool(true)

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemsInterface for its documentation.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$entity = $repository->findOne(where: [
    'sku' => 'pen',

var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(3) "pen"

$entity = $repository->findOne(where: [
    'sku' => 'foo',


You may check out the Where Parameters for its supported parameters.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$entities = $repository->findAll(where: [
    'price' => ['>' => 1.3],

var_dump($entities instanceof ItemsInterface);
// bool(true)

// int(2)

foreach($entities as $entity) {
    var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
    // bool(true)

$entities = $repository->findAll(
    where: [
        'price' => [
            '>' => 1.3,
            '<' => 1.6,
        'sku' => ['like' => 'pe%'],
    orderBy: [
        'sku' => 'DESC', // or 'ASC'
    limit: 20, // (number)
    // limit: [20, 5], // [20(number), 5(offset)]

// int(1)

You may check out the Where Parameters for its supported parameters.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemsInterface for its documentation.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.

Storage Write Repository

To create a storage write repository simply extend the StorageWriteRepository::class:

You may also check out the Repository With Columns section to create the repository using columns.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\WriteRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageWriteRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageEntityFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\Tables\Tables;

class ProductWriteRepository extends StorageWriteRepository
    // you may add custom write methods

$repository = new ProductWriteRepository(
    storage: new  InMemoryStorage(
        items: [
            'products' => [
                1 => ['id' => 1, 'sku' => 'paper', 'price' => 1.2],
                2 => ['id' => 2, 'sku' => 'pen', 'price' => 1.8],
                3 => ['id' => 3, 'sku' => 'pencil', 'price' => 1.5],
        tables: (new Tables())->add('products', ['id', 'sku', 'price'], 'id')
    table: 'products',
    entityFactory: null, // null|StorageEntityFactoryInterface

var_dump($repository instanceof WriteRepositoryInterface);
// bool(true)

By default, the methods will return the following types depending on the method called:

You may specify a custom Storage Entity Factory to return custom entities by the entityFactory parameter.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$createdEntity = $repository->create(attributes: [
    'sku' => 'scissors',

var_dump($createdEntity instanceof ItemInterface);
// bool(true)

// array(2) { ["sku"]=> string(8) "scissors" ["id"]=> int(4) }

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\RepositoryUpdateException;

$updatedEntity = $repository->updateById(
    id: 2,
    attributes: [
        'price' => 2.5,

var_dump($updatedEntity instanceof ItemInterface);
// bool(true)

// array(2) { ["sku"]=> string(8) "scissors" ["id"]=> int(4) }

This method will throw a RepositoryUpdateException::class exception if the storage table has no primary key specified or the entity to update does not exist.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$updatedEntities = $repository->update(
    where: [
        'id' => ['>' => 1],
    attributes: [
        'price' => 2.5,

var_dump($updatedEntities instanceof ItemsInterface);
// bool(true)

// int(2)

foreach($updatedEntities as $entity) {
    var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
    // bool(true)

You may check out the Where Parameters for its supported parameters.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemsInterface for its documentation.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\RepositoryDeleteException;

$deletedEntity = $repository->deleteById(id: 2);

var_dump($deletedEntity instanceof ItemInterface);
// bool(true)

// array(3) { ["id"]=> int(2) ["sku"]=> string(3) "pen" ["price"]=> float(1.8) }

This method will throw a RepositoryDeleteException::class exception if the storage table has no primary key specified or the entity to delete does not exist.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.


use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

$deletedEntities = $repository->delete(where: [
    'id' => ['>' => 1],

var_dump($deletedEntities instanceof ItemsInterface);
// bool(true)

// int(2)

foreach($deletedEntities as $entity) {
    var_dump($entity instanceof ItemInterface);
    // bool(true)

You may check out the Where Parameters for its supported parameters.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemsInterface for its documentation.

You may check out the Storage Service - ItemInterface for its documentation.

Where Parameters

The following where clauses are supported (for all read/write methods with where parameter):

$entities = $repository->findAll(where: [
    'sku' => 'pen',
    // is equal to:
    'sku' => ['=' => 'pen'],
    'sku' => ['!=' => 'pen'],
    'sku' => ['null'],
    'sku' => ['not null'],

    'price' => ['>' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['<' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['>=' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['<=' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['<>' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['<=>' => 1.5],
    'price' => ['between' => [2, 5]],
    'price' => ['not between' => [2, 5]],
    'id' => ['in' => [2,5,6]],
    'id' => ['not in' => [2,5,6]],    
    // Finds any values that (not) start with "a"
    'title' => ['like' => 'a%'],
    'title' => ['not like' => 'a%'],
    // Finds any values that (not) end with "a"
    'title' => ['like' => '%a'],
    'title' => ['not like' => '%a'],
    // Finds any values that have (not) "a" in any position
    'title' => ['like' => '%a%'],
    'title' => ['not like' => '%a%'],
    // Json specific:
    'options->color' => 'blue',
    'options->colors' => ['contains' => 'blue'],
    'options->colors' => ['contains' => ['blue']],
    'options->color' => ['contains key'],

Or Clauses

To create or clauses add the or keyword before any operator:

$entities = $repository->findAll(where: [
    'title' => ['like' => '%foo%', 'or like' => '%bar%'],
    // or
    'title' => ['like' => '%foo%'],
    'price' => ['or >' => 1.5],
    // or using an array
    'id' => ['in' => [2,5,6]],
        'title' => ['or like' => '%foo%'],
        'price' => ['or >' => 1.5],

Storage Entity Factory

You may create a custom entity factory to return custom entities by the Storage Repository, Storage Read Repository or Storage Write Repository.

To create a custom entity factory simply extend the EntityFactory::class and adjust the createEntityFromArray method:

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\EntityFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageEntityFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\EntityFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\ItemInterface;

class ProductFactory extends EntityFactory
    public function createEntityFromArray(array $attributes): Product
        // Process the columns reading:
        $attributes = $this->columns->processReading($attributes);
        // Create entity:
        return new Product(
            id: $attributes['id'] ?? 0,
            sku: $attributes['sku'] ?? '',

class Product
    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $id,
        public readonly string $sku,
    ) {}

$productFactory = new ProductFactory();
$productFactory->setColumns([]); // will be set by the storage

var_dump($productFactory instanceof StorageEntityFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($productFactory instanceof EntityFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

$product = $productFactory->createEntityFromArray([
    'id' => 1,
    'sku' => 'pen',

// object(Product)#4 (2) { ["id"]=> int(1) ["sku"]=> string(3) "pen" }

Repository With Columns

Creating a storage repository with columns has the following advantages:

  • casts values to primitive types on reading and writing
  • specify a reader and writer to handle casting
  • create database migration based on columns
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;

class ProductRepository extends StorageRepository

$repository = new ProductRepository(
    storage: new  InMemoryStorage(items: []),
    table: 'products',
    // specify the columns:
    columns: [
            ->read(fn (string $value, array $attributes): string => ucfirst($value))
            ->write(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $action): string => ucfirst($value)),

You may prefer to specify the columns on its class instead by using the configureColumns method:

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\StorageRepository;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\ColumnsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\ColumnInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;

class ProductRepository extends StorageRepository
     * Returns the configured columns.
     * @return iterable<ColumnInterface>|ColumnsInterface
    protected function configureColumns(): iterable|ColumnsInterface
        return [
                ->read(fn (string $value, array $attributes): string => ucfirst($value))
                ->write(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $action): string => ucfirst($value)),

$repository = new ProductRepository(
    storage: new  InMemoryStorage(items: []),
    table: 'products',

Columns Common Methods


The parameters set on the type method are used for Migration purpose only.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Int;

$column = Text::new(name: 'name')
    ->type(length: 150, nullable: false, default: 'foo', parameters: ['charset' => 'utf8mb4']);
$column = Int::new(name: 'name')
        length: 20,
        unsigned: true,
        index: ['name' => 'index_name', 'column' => 'name', 'unique' => true, 'primary' => true],
$column = Float::new(name: 'name', type: 'decimal')
    ->type(precision: 10, scale: 0);

Check out the Service Database - Column Factory createColumnFromArray method for more detail.

Check out the Service Database - Index Factory createIndexFromArray method for more detail.


You may use the read method to specify a reader (callable). The reader will automatically be called by the repository when attempting to retrieve the value.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;

$column = Text::new(name: 'name')
    ->read(fn (string $value, array $attributes): string => ucfirst($value));

The value is casted to its column type before being passed to the reader!


You may use the write method to specify a writer (callable). The writer will automatically be called by the repository when attempting to write the value. The writer will only be called if the attribute exists on any write methods. If you you want the writer to be always called, check out the Force Writing section.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;

$column = Text::new(name: 'name')
    ->write(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $action): string => ucfirst($value));
    // $action = the action name processed such as 'create' or 'update'

The value is casted to its column type before being passed to the writer!

Force Writing

You may use the forceWriting method to specify if you want to force writing, meaning the writer gets always called even if the attribute was not passed on any write methods.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;

$column = Text::new(name: 'name')
    ->write(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $action): string => ucfirst($value));


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;

$column = Text::new(name: 'name')



use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Boolean;

$column = Boolean::new(name: 'active');

$column = Boolean::new(name: 'active')
    ->type(default: true);


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Datetime;

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at');

// with datetime type (default):
$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at', type: 'datetime')
    ->type(nullable: true);

// with date type:
$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at', type: 'date')
    ->type(nullable: true);

// with time type:
$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_time', type: 'time')
    ->type(nullable: true);

// with timestamp type:
$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_ts', type: 'timestamp')
    ->type(nullable: true);


You may use the read method to cast your value. Without specifying a read method, the value will be casted to a string only.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Datetime;
use Tobento\Service\Dater\DateFormatter;
use DateTimeImmutable;

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at');

$read = fn (mixed $value, array $attributes, DateFormatter $df)
    : DateTimeImmutable => $df->toDateTime(value: $value);

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at')->read($read);

Check out the Dater Service - DateFormatter for more detail.


You may use the write method to cast your value. Without specifying a write method, the value will be casted to the following formats:

  • datetime type: Y-m-d H:i:s
  • date type: Y-m-d
  • time type: H:i:s
  • timestamp type: timestamp string
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Datetime;
use Tobento\Service\Dater\DateFormatter;

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at');

$write = fn (mixed $value, array $attributes, string $action, DateFormatter $df)
    : string => $df->format(value: $value, format: 'H:i:s');

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at')->read($read);

Check out the Dater Service - DateFormatter for more detail.


Use the autoCreate method if you want the date to be automatically created if no value was passed by any write methods.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Datetime;

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'created_at')->autoCreate();


Use the autoUpdate method if you want the date to be automatically updated if no value was passed by any write methods.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Datetime;

$column = Datetime::new(name: 'updated_at')->autoUpdate();


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\FloatCol;

$column = FloatCol::new(name: 'name');

// with float type (default):
$column = FloatCol::new(name: 'name', type: 'float')
    ->type(nullable: false, default: 0.5);

// with double type:
$column = FloatCol::new(name: 'name', type: 'double')
    ->type(nullable: false, default: 0.5);

// with decimal type:
$column = FloatCol::new(name: 'name', type: 'decimal')
    ->type(nullable: false, default: 0.5, precision: 10, scale: 0);


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Id;

$column = Id::new();

// with name (default is id):
$column = Id::new(name: 'some_id');

// with bigPrimary type (default):
$column = Id::new(type: 'bigPrimary')
        length: 18,
        unsigned: true,
        index: ['name' => 'index_name', 'primary' => true],

// with primary:
$column = Id::new(type: 'primary')
        length: 5,
        unsigned: true,
        index: ['name' => 'index_name', 'primary' => true],


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Integer;

$column = Integer::new(name: 'name');

// with int type (default):
$column = Integer::new(name: 'name', type: 'int')
    ->type(length: 11, unsigned: true, nullable: false, default: 0);

// with tinyInt type:
$column = Integer::new(name: 'name', type: 'tinyInt')
    ->type(length: 5, unsigned: true, nullable: false, default: 0);

// with bigInt type:
$column = Integer::new(name: 'name', type: 'bigInt')
    ->type(length: 200, unsigned: true, nullable: false, default: 0);


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Json;

$column = Json::new(name: 'name');

$column = Json::new(name: 'name')
    ->type(nullable: false, default: ['foo', 'bar']);


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Text;

$column = Text::new(name: 'sku');

// with string type (default):
$column = Text::new(name: 'sku', type: 'string')
    ->type(length: 100, nullable: false, default: '');

// with char type:
$column = Text::new(name: 'locale', type: 'char')
    ->type(length: 5, nullable: false, default: 'en');

// with text type:
$column = Text::new(name: 'desc', type: 'text')
    ->type(nullable: false, default: 'lorem ipsum');


use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Column\Translatable;

$column = Translatable::new(name: 'name');

// with string subtype (default):
$column = Translatable::new(name: 'name', subtype: 'string')
    ->type(nullable: false)
    ->read(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $locale): string => strtoupper($value))
    ->write(fn (string $value, array $attributes, string $action, string $locale): string => strtoupper($value));
// with array subtype:
$column = Translatable::new(name: 'name', subtype: 'array')
    ->type(nullable: false)
    ->read(fn (array $value, array $attributes, string $locale): array => $value)
    ->write(fn (array $value, array $attributes, string $action, string $locale): array => $value);

Read Attribute

After reading, a StringTranslations::class or ArrayTranslations::class is being created depending on its column subtype string or array.

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Attribute\StringTranslations;

$repository->locales('en', 'de', 'fr');
$repository->localeFallbacks(['de' => 'en']);

$entity = $repository->findById(id: 2);

var_dump($entity->get('title') instanceof StringTranslations);
// bool(true)

// The title on the current locale set on the repository:
$title = (string)$entity->get('title');

// or:
$title = $entity->get('title')->get();

// specific locale:
$title = $entity->get('title')->get(locale: 'de');

// specific locale with default value
// if fallback locale value does not exist:
$title = $entity->get('title')->get(locale: 'fr', default: 'title');

// check if translation exists:
var_dump($entity->get('title')->has(locale: 'de'));
// bool(true)

// returns all translations:
// array(2) {["en"]=> string(5) "Title" ["de"]=> string(5) "Titel"}
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Attribute\ArrayTranslations;

$repository->locales('en', 'de', 'fr');
$repository->localeFallbacks(['de' => 'en']);

$entity = $repository->findById(id: 2);

var_dump($entity->get('meta') instanceof ArrayTranslations);
// bool(true)

// The meta on the current locale set on the repository:
$meta = $entity->get('meta')->get();
// array(1) {["color"]=> string(3) "red"}

// specific locale:
$meta = $entity->get('meta')->get(locale: 'de');
// array(1) {["color"]=> string(3) "rot"}

// specific locale with default value
// if fallback locale value does not exist:
$meta = $entity->get('meta')->get(locale: 'fr', default: ['color' => 'rot']);
// array(1) {["color"]=> string(3) "red"}

// check if translation exists:
var_dump($entity->get('title')->has(locale: 'de'));
// bool(true)

// returns all translations:
// array(2) {["en"]=> array(1) {["color"]=> string(3) "red"} ["de"]=> array(1) {["color"]=> string(3) "rot"}}

// The meta color on the current locale set on the repository:
$color = $entity->get('meta')->get(key: 'color');
// string(3) "red"

// specific locale:
$color = $entity->get('meta')->get(locale: 'de', key: 'color');
// string(3) "rot"

// specific locale with default value
// if fallback locale value does not exist:
$color = $entity->get('meta')->get(locale: 'fr', key: 'color', default: ['color' => 'rot']);
// string(3) "red"

// check if translation exists:
var_dump($entity->get('title')->has(locale: 'de', key: 'color'));
// bool(true)


Confiure the locales for the repository:

// current locale:

// only the defined locales are used:
$repository->locales('en', 'de', 'fr');

// fallbacks:
$repository->localeFallbacks(['de' => 'en']);

Where Parameters Translations

Where clauses for translation columns (for all read/write methods with where parameter):

$entities = $repository->findAll(where: [

    // query current locale set on the repository:
    'title' => ['like' => 'pe%'],
    // query specific locale using json syntax:
    'title->de' => ['like' => 'pe%'],
    // Array translations:
    // query current locale set on the repository:
    'options->color' => 'red', // same as: options->en->color
    // query specific locale using json syntax:
    'options->de->color' => 'red',

Write Translations


$createEntity = $repository->create([
    'title' => [
        'en' => 'Title',
        'de' => 'Titel',


// updates all:
$updatedEntity = $repository->updateById(2, [
    'title' => [
        'en' => 'Title',
        'de' => 'Titel',

// updates specific locale using json syntax:
$updatedEntity = $repository->updateById(2, [
    'title->de' => 'Title',

// Array translations:
// updates specific locale using json syntax:
$updatedEntity = $repository->updateById(2, [
    'options->de->color' => 'red',


If you have set up your Repository With Columns, you might use the migration RepositoryAction::class and RepositoryDeleteAction::class to create your database migration from the columns defined.

First, you will need to install:

  • composer require tobento/service-database-storage
  • composer require tobento/service-migration

Example of migration class

use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Migration\RepositoryAction;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Storage\Migration\RepositoryDeleteAction;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\MigrationInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\ActionsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Migration\Actions;

class UserMigration implements MigrationInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected UserRepository $userRepository,
    ) {}
     * Return a description of the migration.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Users migration';
     * Return the actions to be processed on install.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function install(): ActionsInterface
        // you might check if repository is supported for the action:
        if (RepositoryAction::isSupportedRepository($this->userRepository)) {
            // create action
        return new Actions(
            new RepositoryAction(
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',
                // you might set items to be migrated
                items: [
                    ['email' => ''],
            // you might use the newOrNull method
            // if the defined repository is of any type.
            // If it is an unsupported repository
            // a Action\NullAction::class is created.
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',
                // you might set items to be migrated
                items: [
                    ['email' => ''],
            // you might use the newOrFail method
            // if the defined repository is of any type.
            // If it is an unsupported repository
            // a Action\Fail::class is created.
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',
                // you might set items to be migrated
                items: [
                    ['email' => ''],

     * Return the actions to be processed on uninstall.
     * @return ActionsInterface
    public function uninstall(): ActionsInterface
        // you might check if repository is supported for the action:
        if (RepositoryDeleteAction::isSupportedRepository($this->userRepository)) {
            // create action
        return new Actions(
            new RepositoryDeleteAction(
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',
            // you might use the newOrNull method
            // if the defined repository is of any type.
            // If it is an unsupported repository
            // a Action\NullAction::class is created.
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',
            // you might use the newOrFail method
            // if the defined repository is of any type.
            // If it is an unsupported repository
            // a Action\Fail::class is created.
                repository: $this->userRepository,
                description: 'User migration',

You may check out the Migration Service for more detail.
