
Save the GitLab data in your Laravel project

0.6.0 2024-11-21 22:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-21 21:44:23 UTC


Latest Stable Version Pipeline status Coverage report Tested on PHP 8.1 to 8.4 Tested on Laravel 9 to 10 Latest Unstable Version

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GitLab push data for different objects with its webhook, this package provides the option to store that data in your database. Under the hood it use tjvb/gitlab-webhooks-receiver-for-laravel for receiving the webhook data. After storing the data it will dispatch an event that can be used to update other parts of your data or react on the new input.


  1. You can install the package via composer:

    composer require tjvb/gitlab-models-for-laravel
  2. You can publish and run the migrations for GitLab Models for Laravel and GitLab Webhooks with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TJVB\GitLabWebhooks\GitLabWebhooksServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Providers\GitlabModelsProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
  1. Set the GITLAB_WEBHOOK_SECRET env variable (most used version is to set it in the .env file) to have the token you use for your webhook. See for more information.
  2. Create a webhook in GitLab. You can create a webhook in GitLab for your project, group or system. The default url is <application.tld>/gitlabwebhook this can be changed in the configuration from tjvb/gitlab-webhooks-receiver-for-laravel.
  3. Optional configure the package.
  4. Listen to the events

Manual register the service provider.

If you disable the package discovery you need to add \TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Providers\GitlabModelsProvider::class, and \TJVB\GitLabWebhooks\GitLabWebhooksServiceProvider::class, to the providers array in config/app.php.


The package dispatched multiple events after saving the received data (a create or update) The event contains the new data.

  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\BuildDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\DeploymentDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\IssueDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\MergeRequestDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\NoteDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\PipelineDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\ProjectDataReceived
  • TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Events\TagDataReceived


Env variables

There are a couple of env variables that can be used to change the data that should be stored.

GITLAB_MODELS_QUEUE_CONNECTIONnullThe queue connection for the HookStoredListener, if not provided it will use the project default.
GITLAB_MODELS_QUEUE_QUEUEnullThe queue for the HookStoredListener, if not provided it will use the project default.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_BUILDStrueThat we want to store the data from the builds.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_DEPLOYMENTStrueThat we want to store the data from the deployments.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_ISSUEStrueThat we want to store the data from the issues.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_MERGE_REQUESTStrueThat we want to store the data from the merge requests.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_NOTEStrueThat we want to store the data from the notes (comments).
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_PIPELINEStrueThat we want to store the data from the pipelines.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_PROJECTStrueThat we want to store the data from the projects.
GITLAB_MODELS_STORE_TAGStrueThat we want to store the data from the tags.


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TJVB\GitlabModelsForLaravel\Providers\GitlabModelsProvider" --tag="config"


The default configuration validates the X-Gitlab-Token in the header of the webhook request. It is possible to add multiple values in the config file or disabling the middleware to stop the verification. If you need more validation for the request (as example and i.p. filter) you can add more middleware to the configuration.


We (try to) document all the changes in CHANGELOG so read it for more information.


You are welcome to contribute, read about it in CONTRIBUTING


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Thanks to

  • GitLab for the great product, without that this package isn't needed.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.