
Implements single sign on and multi factor authentication

dev-master 2024-04-15 07:24 UTC



It is assumed that developer have the priviledges to access and modify the target Laravel/PHP application in order to consume the thuleen/ssomfa package.

The following are the steps to integrate with the SSOMFA system.


It is required that your laravel/php application to host on a secure connection using SSL (HTTPS).

Install package

composer require thuleen/ssomfa

Take note the path of the ssomfa.

1. Environment

Include the following line in the .env file of your laravel/php application:


Then, the 'id' => env('APP_ID', '1'), line in the /config/app.php:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

return [
    'id' => env('APP_ID', '1'),

2. Routes

In the routes/web.php, add 'ssomfa_verify' like so:

Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
    return view('dashboard');
})->middleware(['auth', 'verified', 'ssomfa_verify'])->name('dashboard');

3. Kernel

In the app/Http/Kernel.php, add the following line in the last item;

    protected $middlewareAliases = [
        'ssomfa_verify' => \Thuleen\SsoMfa\Http\Middleware\SsoMfaMiddleware::class

4. AuthenticatedSessionController.php

In the app/Http/Controllers/Auth/AuthenticatedSessionController.php, add app(SsoMfaMiddleware::class)->logout(); in the destroy function:

use Thuleen\Ssomfa\Http\Middleware\SsoMfaMiddleware; // <<-- Add this line

public function destroy(Request $request): RedirectResponse
    app(SsoMfaMiddleware::class)->logout();          // <<-- Add this line




    return redirect('/');

5. Install package

Then, in the composer.json file edit as the followings:


     "require": {
        "thuleen/ssomfa": "dev-master"


    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Thuleen\\SsoMfa\\": "vendor/thuleen/ssomfa/src"

Then run:

composer update
composer dump-autoload