
0.0.6 2025-01-13 05:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 05:37:21 UTC



Tailor for Laravel Blade

Latest Version on Packagist Packagist Downloads

A neat package to help build Blade component libraries.


composer require statix/tailor


Publishing the configuration file is optional.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tailor-config


Building a Component

// view/components/button.blade.php

    'variant' => 'primary',
    'size' => 'md'
    'type' => 'button',
    'tag' => 'button',

// create the tailor
$c = Tailor::make('button');

// start setting up the attributes
        'data-variant' => $variant,
        'data-size' => $size,
    ])->if($tag !== 'button', function ($set) use ($type) {
        $set('type', $type);
        $set('aria-role', 'button');
    })->if($tag === 'a', function ($set) {
        $set('aria-role', 'link');

// start building the variants

// start building the classes common to all variants
    ])->match($size, [
        'sm' => 'px-2 py-1',
        'md' => 'px-3 py-2',
        'lg' => 'px-4 py-3',
        'xl' => 'px-5 py-4',
        'default' => $size,

// start building the classes for the primary variant
$p = $c->variant('primary');


// start building the classes for the secondary variant
$s = $c->variant('secondary');


// merge the attributes and classes with the passed attributes
$c->classes()->merge($attributes->get('class', ''));

// set the variant to use

// now when we output the component, the classes
// and attributes will be applied, specific to the variant

    ->set('onclick', 'alert("Hello")')
    ->set('onDblClick', '$wire.emit("dblClick")');

<{{ $tag }} {{ $c }}>{{ $slot}}<{{ $tag }}>

Using the Component

<x-button variant="primary" size="md" type="button" class="my-2">
    Click Me

<x-button variant="secondary" size="px-6 py-2" tag="a" href="#">
    A link button