statix / tailor
2025-01-13 05:30 UTC
- spatie/laravel-package-tools: ^1.16
Requires (Dev)
- gehrisandro/tailwind-merge-php: ^1.1
- laravel/pint: ^1.18
- orchestra/testbench: ^9.5
- pestphp/pest: ^3.5
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^3.0
Tailor for Laravel Blade
A neat package to help build Blade component libraries.
composer require statix/tailor
Publishing the configuration file is optional.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tailor-config
Building a Component
// view/components/button.blade.php @props([ 'variant' => 'primary', 'size' => 'md' 'type' => 'button', 'tag' => 'button', ]) @php // create the tailor $c = Tailor::make('button'); // start setting up the attributes $c->attributes() ->set([ 'data-variant' => $variant, 'data-size' => $size, ])->if($tag !== 'button', function ($set) use ($type) { $set('type', $type); $set('aria-role', 'button'); })->if($tag === 'a', function ($set) { $set('aria-role', 'link'); }); // start building the variants $c->variant('primary'); $c->variant('secondary'); // start building the classes common to all variants $c->classes() ->base([ 'rounded-md', 'border', ])->focus([ 'focus:ring-2', 'focus-visible:outline-offset-2', ])->match($size, [ 'sm' => 'px-2 py-1', 'md' => 'px-3 py-2', 'lg' => 'px-4 py-3', 'xl' => 'px-5 py-4', 'default' => $size, ]); // start building the classes for the primary variant $p = $c->variant('primary'); $p->classes() ->light([ 'bg-indigo-600', ])->hoverLight([ 'hover:bg-indigo-500', ])->focusLight([ 'focus-visible:outline-indigo-600', ])->dark([ 'dark:text-white', 'dark:bg-indigo-700', ]); // start building the classes for the secondary variant $s = $c->variant('secondary'); $s->classes() ->light([ 'bg-gray-200', ])->hoverLight([ 'hover:bg-gray-300', ])->focusLight([ 'focus-visible:outline-gray-200', ])->dark([ 'dark:text-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-700', ])->focusDark([ 'focus-visible:outline-gray-200', ]); // merge the attributes and classes with the passed attributes $c->attributes()->merge($attributes->getAttributes()); $c->classes()->merge($attributes->get('class', '')); // set the variant to use $c->setVariant($variant); // now when we output the component, the classes // and attributes will be applied, specific to the variant $c->attributes() ->set('onclick', 'alert("Hello")') ->set('onDblClick', '$wire.emit("dblClick")'); @endphp <{{ $tag }} {{ $c }}>{{ $slot}}<{{ $tag }}>
Using the Component
<x-button variant="primary" size="md" type="button" class="my-2"> Click Me </x-button> <x-button variant="secondary" size="px-6 py-2" tag="a" href="#"> A link button </x-button>