
ACL permissions setter & checker for Nette Framework

1.3.7 2016-09-19 12:48 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-13 01:55:39 UTC


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ACL permissions setter & checker for Nette Framework.

srigi/ipub-security is a library that allows easy configuration of Nette Framework ACL system. It supports roles & resources inheritance and also permission assertions are supported.


The best way to install srigi/ipub-security is by using Composer. To get the latest version of the library run this command at the root of your project:

$ composer require srigi/ipub-security

Or you can specify dependency by hand:

	"require": {
		"srigi/ipub-security": "^1.3.0"


After installation you need to register the DI extension. If your'e using Nette 2.3, you can do that by configuration:

	permission: IPub\Security\DI\SecurityExtension

I case of Nette 2.2 register extension in your bootstrap.php:

$configurator = new Nette\Configurator;
// ...some other code


The ACL system 101

Nette ACL system brings some terminology you should know befor continuing. First there are resources that one (a role) wants to access (privilege). This forms a permission. Example is the best teacher:

resources - intranet, salesModule, serversDashboard, databaseServersDashboard

roles - admininstrator, guest, authenticated, employee, sales, engineer

privileges - access, powerOn, powerOff, reboot

permission - this is just abstract concept when you combine above three entities:

  • authenticated can access the intranet
  • engineer can reboot the serversDashboard
  • administrator can do ALL on ALL

resources and roles can inherit from each other and create hierarchies:

    ├ salesModule
    └ serversDashboard
      └ databaseServersDashboard
    └ authenticated
      └ employee
        ├ sales
        └ engineer
          └ backend-engineer

If there is a permission (combination of resource, role and privilege) registered, this inherits down. In our little example engineer can access the intranet because is inheriting this permission from authenticated.

More on this can be found in access control chapter of Nette Framework documentation.

Creating permissions

Permission is represented by instance of IPub\Security\Entities\IPermission. Such instance is providing a IPub\Security\Entities\IResource resource instance, a privilege (defined as string) and assertion (defined as callable). All three components of the permission are optional.

Permissions definitions must be provided by service implementing IPub\Security\Providers\IPermissionsProvider. Library srigi/ipub-security have example implementation of such provider you can use in your project. Or you can write your own.

Defining set of permissions with our PermissionsProvider is very easy:

class MyPermissionsProvider extends IPub\Security\Providers\PermissionsProvider
	public function __construct()
		$intranet = $this->addResource('intranet');
		$this->addPermission($intranet, Nette\Security\IAuthorizator::ALL);
		$this->addPermission($intranet, 'access');
		$this->addPermission($intranet, 'update');

		$salesModule = $this->addResource('salesModule', $this->getResource('intranet'));
		$this->addPermission($salesModule, 'access');
		$this->addPermission($salesModule, 'edit', function($acl, $role, $resource, $privilege) {
			// ...code of permission assertion

		// ... more permissions definitions

Now just register your permission provider:

	- MyPermissionsProvider

Creating roles & assigning permissions

Similarly as permission also roles have its own interface and needs a provider service. This provider should also assign permissions to the role:

class MyRolesProvider extends IPub\Security\Providers\RolesProvider
	 * @param MyPermissionsProvider $permissionsProvider
	public function __construct(MyPermissionsProvider $permissionsProvider)
		$permissions = $permissionsProvider->getPermissions();

		$this->addRole(Entities\IRole::ROLE_AUTHENTICATED, $this->getRole(Entities\IRole::ROLE_ANONYMOUS), $permissions['intranet:access']);

		$this->addRole('employee', $this->getRole(Entities\IRole::ROLE_AUTHENTICATED));
		$this->addRole('sales', $this->getRole('employee'), [
		$this->addRole('engineer', $this->getRole('employee'), [

		// ...more roles & permissions assignments

Don't forget to register your roles provider:

	- MyRolesProvider

Now your'e set!

Checking permissions

Library provide a PHP trait, which enables pleasant quering Nette ACL system we've just configured. Please note that traits are available from PHP 5.4, for older versions of PHP you must copy/paste trait contents. This trait is effective only in presenter(s).

class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	use IPub\Security\TPermission;

Using annotations

You can fine-tune checking logic by this set of annotations:

 * @Secured
 * @Secured\User(loggedIn)
 * @Secured\Resource(RESOURCE_NAME)
 * @Secured\Privilege(PRIVILEGE_NAME)
 * @Secured\Role(ROLE_NAME)
class IntranetPresenter extends BasePresenter
	 * @Secured
	 * @Secured\Permission(RESOURCE_NAME: PRIVILEGE_NAME)
	public function renderDefault()


This annotation instruct security system that presenter is subject to the permissions check. Without it permission checking will be skipped completely!


This annotation accept value loggedIn or guest. Access to any resource and any privilege is controled only by login state of the current user.

Next annotations are working over Nette\Security\User roles assigned during login process.


Access is granted only if role is allowed to access specified resource.


This grand access only if role is allowed to access specified privilege.


Combination of above two - access is granted only if role have resource: privilege permission.


Grand access only to specified role.

On every place where *_NAME applies, you can specify multiple names separated by comma.

Using in presenters, components, models, etc.

Permission check can be performed also manually. You just need Nette\Security\User instance on which you call:

$user->isAllowed('resource', 'privilege');

TRUE of FALSE is returned respecively.

Using in Latte

In latte you can use two special macros.

<p>This text is for everyone...</p>

{ifAllowed resource => 'intranet', privilege => 'access'}
	<p>But this one is only for special persons...</p>

Macro ifAllowed is very similar to annotations definitions. You can use here one or all of available parameters: user, resource, privilege, permission or role.

This macro can be also used as n: macro:

<p>This text is for everyone...</p>
<p n:ifAllowed resource => 'intranet', privilege => 'access'>
	But this one is only for special persons...</p>

And second special macro is for links:

<a n:allowedHref="Intranet:">Link to Intranet...</a>

Macro n:allowedHref is expecting only valid link and in case user doesn't have permission to that resource, link isn't displayed.

Redirect to login page

If user is not logged-in and tries to access secured resource a default action is throwing the Nette\Application\ForbiddenRequestException. However if you configure so called redirectUrl, request will be redirected to this url (login page) when this situation occurs.

Also all parameters of the original request will be stored. That way you are able to restore original request and be redirected to secured resource after successful login. To configure redirectUrl add this to your configuration:

	redirectUrl: 'Login:default'

To restore the original request prepare persistent param backlink in the presenter and use it in login procedure (callback)

class LoginPresenter
	/** @persistent */
	public $backlink;
	public function processLoginForm($form)
		// try
		// catch


  • check IPub\Security\Entities\Permission constructor types
  • make documentation examples to be in sync w/ tests
  • tests for IPub\Security\Providers\*
  • latte macros tests
  • check annotations test logic
  • permissions-assertions tests/doc
  • RolesProvider::allow, RolesProvider::deny methods


  • 1.3.4 Add redirectUrl functionality
  • 1.3.0 Rename RolesModel and IPub\Security\Models to RolesProvider and IPub\Security\Providers
  • 1.2.0 Rewrite Security\Permission to support resource inheritance & permissions assertions
  • 1.1.0 Cloned library into srigi/ipub-permissions
  • 1.0.1 Added roles inheritance


New BSD License or the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or 3, see