
Add a wire:navigate attribute to links rendered in Markdown

1.1.0 2024-08-27 19:00 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-03 01:03:32 UTC


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An extension for league/commonmark to add a wire:navigate attribute to links rendered in Markdown and enable SPA mode in Livewire.

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/commonmark-wire-navigate


Register CommonMarkWireNavigate as a CommonMark extension.

use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use Spatie\CommonMarkWireNavigate\WireNavigateExtension;

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension());

echo $converter->convert('[About](/about)');
// <p><a href="/about" wire:navigate>About</a></p>

For more information on CommonMark extensions and environments, refer to the CommonMark documentation.


When using the Laravel-markdown package, you may register the extension in config/markdown.php:

 * These extensions should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
 * extension implements League\CommonMark\Extension\ExtensionInterface
 * More info:
'extensions' => [

Choosing which links to enhance

By default, the extension will add wire:navigate to all internal links except fragments of the current page. To know which link is internal, you must specify your application's base URL.

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension(
    baseUrl: '',

echo $converter->convert('[About](/about)');
// <p><a href="/about" wire:navigate>About</a>

echo $converter->convert('[About](');
// <p><a href="" wire:navigate>About</a>

echo $converter->convert('[Twitter](');
// <a href="">Twitter</a></p>

Additionally, you can configure whether the attribute will be added using an array of patterns or a callback.

Using an array to specify a root path in your application:

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension(
    baseUrl: '',
    enabled: ['docs', 'guide'],

echo $converter->convert('[Installation](/docs/installation)');
// <p><a href="/docs/installation" wire:navigate>Installation</a>

echo $converter->convert('[Guide](/guide)');
// <p><a href="/guide" wire:navigate>Guide</a>

echo $converter->convert('[About](/about)');
// <p><a href="/about">About</a>

Using a callback:

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension(
    baseUrl: '',
    enabled: fn (string $url) => preg_match('/\/docs\//', $url),
    hover: true, 

Enable on fragments of the current page:

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension(
    fragment: true, 

Prefetching pages on hover

If you want to have Livewire prefetch pages when a link is hovered, enable the hover option.

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new WireNavigateExtension(
    baseUrl: '',
    hover: true, 

Now the extension will add wire:navigate.hover to links instead.

echo $converter->convert('[About](/about)');
// <p><a href="/about" wire:navigate.hover>About</a></p>


composer test


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