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Render Web Components

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0.1.0 2024-03-21 13:41 UTC


TYPO3 Web Components Rendering

This extension provides tools to render Web Components with TYPO3.

TypoScript based rendering

tt_content.tx_myext_mycontentelement = WEBCOMPONENT
tt_content.tx_myext_mycontentelement {
  tagName = my-web-component
  properties { = header
    greeting = Hello World!

Generates the output:

    title="This is the title from the content element record"
    greeting="Hello World!"

DataProvider based rendering

You can populate the web component with PHP:

tt_content.tx_myext_mycontentelement = WEBCOMPONENT
tt_content.tx_myext_mycontentelement.dataProvider = Acme\MyExt\DataProvider\MyContentElementDataProvider

namespace Acme\MyExt\DataProvider;

use Sinso\Webcomponents\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface;
use Sinso\Webcomponents\DataProvider\Traits\ContentObjectRendererTrait;

class MyContentElementDataProvider implements DataProviderInterface
    use ContentObjectRendererTrait;

    public function provide(WebcomponentRenderingData $webcomponentRenderingData): WebcomponentRenderingData
        $record = $webcomponentRenderingData->getContentRecord();
        $properties = [
            'title' => $record['header'],
            'greeting' => 'Hello World!',


Convention: When the tag name is not set, the web component will not be rendered at all.

Render a web component in Fluid


    inputData="{'header': 'This is the header'}"
