
Smartbox Core Bundle

Installs: 29 482

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 12

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 1



Core features

Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Installation and usage

To install the bundle, you just need to:

  1. Add the repository to composer as:
    "require": {
        "smartbox/core-bundle": "dev-master"
  1. Add it to your AppKernel.php file new Smartbox\CoreBundle\SmartboxCoreBundle(),

  2. Configure bundle:

  php console.php config:dump-reference smartbox_core
\# Default configuration for extension with alias: "smartbox_core"

      # Base path to store/lookup the entity fixtures
      fixtures_path:        null

      # Namespaces to look for entity classes
      entities_namespaces:  []

      # Configure cache drivers.
      #     1) predis (predefined driver which requires and predis library/extension)
      #         - add packages to composer.json:
      #             "snc/redis-bundle": "^1.1"
      #             "predis/predis": "^1.0"
      #         - register bundle in AppKernel.php:
      #             new Snc\RedisBundle\SncRedisBundle(),
      #         - define "cache" client for SncRedisBundle:
      #             snc_redis:
      #                 clients:
      #                     cache:
      #                         type: predis
      #                         alias: default
      #                         dsn: redis://localhost
      #         - add configuration to your config.yml:
      #             smartbox_core:
      #                 cache_drivers:
      #                     predis:
      #                         service: ~
      #         - you can access this driver by service reference @smartcore.cache_driver.predis
      #     2) null (predefined driver just to simulate the cache - nothing is stored in cache)
      #         - add configuration to your config.yml:
      #             smartbox_core:
      #                 cache_drivers:
      #                     null:
      #                         service: ~
      #         - you can access this driver by service reference @smartcore.cache_driver.null
      #     3) custom driver with any name
      #         - create your own cache service which implements Smartbox\CoreBundle\Utils\Cache\CacheServiceInterface
      #             class MyCacheService implements Smartbox\CoreBundle\Utils\Cache\CacheServiceInterface
      #             {
      #                 // implement methods
      #             }
      #         - register service
      #             my_cache_driver_service_id:
      #                 class: MyCacheService
      #         - add configuration to your config.yml:
      #             smartbox_core:
      #                 cache_drivers:
      #                     my_cache_driver:
      #                         service: "@my_cache_driver_service_id"
      #         - you can access this driver by service reference @smartcore.cache_driver.my_cache_driver
      cache_drivers:        # Required

          # Prototype

              # Service id for the cache driver (@service_id or just service_id)
              service:              ~ # Required

              # If any of drivers is marked as default, the first defined driver will be taken. Otherwise the last one marked as default will be used.
              default:              ~

      # Configure serialization cache

          # Enable or disable serialization cache.
          enabled:              false

          # Driver name: predis or any other custom driver configured in "smartbox_core.cache_drivers".
          cache_driver:         smartcore.cache_service



Generates a random fixture of a smartesb entity. The fixture can be seen as sample data associated to a view and a main entity.

Usage: php app/console smartbox:core:generate:random-fixture --help

Example: php app/console smartbox:core:generate:random-fixture NiceBoxEntity --entity-group the-view-for-a-nice-box --entity-version v0


Run all services tagged with "smartcore.smoke_test".

Usage: php app/console smartbox:smoke-test --help


  • php app/console smartbox:smoke-test --list
  • php app/console smartbox:smoke-test
  • php app/console smartbox:smoke-test test my_project.producers.my_producer.connectivity_smoke_test_run


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Check out the small test app within Tests/Fixtures/app



Jose Rufino, Marcin Skurski, Luciano Mammino, Alberto Rodrigo, David Camprubi, Arthur Thevenet, Bertrand Drouhard, Mel McCann, Shane McKinley.