
v2.0.1 2021-09-27 05:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 12:28:11 UTC


symfony api skeleton

Features out of the box

  • authorization by token
  • serializer for api with error catching
  • put/patch parameters available
  • correct validation of the entity without form
  • logging requests
  • crun-rest maker

Creating new project

composer create-project skrip42/api-skeleton <project_name>

create .env.local and and add environment variable definitions to it:

  • API_KEY - you api authentification key



/** in you controller */

class CustomController extends AbstractApiController //extends AbstractApiController
    public function sameMethod() : Response
        //use api(mixed $data, array $meta = []) method to serialize response
        return $this->api($dataOrEntity);


use serialization group

    //in you entity/DOT class
    /** @Groups("groupName") */
    private $field; //add annotation to filed

    /** @Groups("groupName") */
    public function GetField(): fieldtype //or to you public method

    //in you controller
    return $this->api(
            'groups' => 'groupName'

use pagination

    //in you controller print some like this
    $page = $request->query->getInt('page', 1);
    $count = $repository->count([]);
    $perPage = $request->query->getInt('perPage', $count);
    $sort = $request->query->get('sort');
    $entities = $repository->findBy(
        $perPage * ($page - 1)
            'currentPage' => $page,
            'perPage' => $perPage,
            'pagesTotal' => ceil($count / $perPage)

error with http status code

use App\Exceptions\ApiException;
throw new ApiException($message, $statusCode);

Entity validation (doctrineORM required)

  • uncomment App\EntityListener block in services.yaml
  • implement App\Entity\ValidationInterface in you Entity
  • add @ORM\EntityListeners({"App\EntityListener\ValidateListener"}) annotation in you Entity
  • profit!

RestCRUD maker (doctrineORM required)

  • uncomment App\Maker\MakeRest block in services.yaml
  • run ./bin/console make:rest command to create RestCRUD controller for you entity