
Use the Setono cron builder to generate cron files in your deployment process

v0.2.4 2023-04-11 09:16 UTC


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Simple handling of cronjobs in your deployment process using the Cron builder library.


$ composer require setono/deployer-cron


The easiest usage is to include the cron recipe which hooks into default Deployer events:

// deploy.php

require_once 'recipe/cron.php';

Deployer parameters

The following Deployer parameters are defined:

Parameter Description Default value
cron_source_dir The directory to search for cronjob config files etc/cronjobs
cron_delimiter The marker in the crontab file that delimits the generated cronjobs from manually added cronjobs {{application}} ({{stage}})
cron_variable_resolvers An array of variable resolvers to add to the cron builder []
cron_context The context to give as argument to the CronBuilder::build method [ 'stage' => get('stage') ]
cron_user The user onto which the crontab should be added get('http_user') if you are root, else ''
cron_dry_run If true, this recipe will not apply the generated crontab false

NOTICE that the default value of cron_variable_resolvers is an empty array, but this lib will always add a ReplacingVariableResolver with the variables described in the section below.

Build context

The default build context is defined in the Deployer parameter cron_context. It adds the stage as context which means you can use the condition key in your cronjob config:

# /etc/cronjobs/jobs.yaml

- schedule: "0 0 * * *"
  command: "%php_bin% %release_path%/bin/console my:dev:command"
  condition: "context.stage === 'dev'"

The above cronjob will only be added to the final cron file if the deployment stage equals dev.

Extra variables available

This library also adds more variables you can use in your cronjob configs:

  • %application%: Will output the application name
  • %stage%: Will output the stage, i.e. dev, staging, or prod
  • %php_bin%: Will output the path to the PHP binary
  • %release_path%: Will output the release path on the server

With these variables you can define a cronjob like:

# /etc/cronjobs/jobs.yaml

- schedule: "0 0 * * *"
  command: "%php_bin% %release_path%/bin/console my:command"

And that will translate into the following line in your crontab:

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/your_application/releases/23/bin/console my:command