
TwigBootstrap Maker helps you create controllers and templates boostraped for twigbootstrap theme bundle

1.0.3 2021-11-29 11:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 16:30:01 UTC


This repository contains TwigBootstrapMaker bundle which helps you create controller skeletons and templates based on AdminLTE bundle, TwigBootstrap bundle and DataTables bundle.

Minimum requirements

Installation with Composer

Installation using composer :

   composer require sbyaute/TwigBootstrap-Maker

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:


return [
    // ...
    Sbyaute\TwigBootstrapMakerBundle\TwigBootstrapMakerBundle::class => ['all' => true],


This bundle provides several commands under the make: namespace. List them all executing this command:

php bin/console list make:twigbootstrap

make:twigbootstrap:controller  Creates a new controller class
make:twigbootstrap:crud        Creates TwigBootstrap CRUD for Doctrine entity class
make:twigbootstrap:crudmodal   Creates TwigBootstrap CRUD (modal mode)for Doctrine entity class


This bundle doesn't require any configuration. But, you can configure the base layout and several parameters :

php bin/console config:dump twig_bootstrap_maker

    base_layout:          '@TwigBootstrap/layout.html.twig'
    skeleton_dir:         .../src/DependencyInjection/../Resources/skeleton/


The translation messages are located in messages and entity class domain. So yo can update it by using :

php bin/console translation:update fr --force --output-format=yaml --domain=messages
php bin/console translation:update fr --force --output-format=yaml --domain=[entity class]

License and contributors

Published under the MIT, read the LICENSE file for more information.