
Support tickets for your laravel app

0.0.4 2023-12-04 12:36 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-04 18:36:14 UTC


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Support Tickets package with API first approach. It provides a simple and easy API to add support tickets to your Laravel app. Supports Laravel 8 and above.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require saasplayground/support-tickets

Then publish config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=support-tickets-config

Finally run the migrate command:

php artisan migrate


User Setup and API

To enable users to open tickets, add InteractsWithTickets trait to your User model.

use InteractsWithTickets;

InteractsWithTickets Methods

  • openTicket: Open a new support ticket.
  • postMessageOnTicket: Post a new message on an existing ticket.
  • tickets: Gets tickets owned by user. Query builder methods can be chained on it.

openTicket Method: Ticket

Returns an instance of Ticket model.

Expects the following parameters:

  • data: An array containing title, message, priority, source
  • relations: (Optional) An array of relationships; Support for adding labels, categories

postMessageOnTicket Method: Ticket

Returns an instance of Ticket model.

Expects following parameters:

  • ticket: The ticket model
  • message: The message to be posted
  • user: (Optional) The id or model of user that will be attached to message

Tickets Setup and API

By default the Ticket model does not need any setup, but if you are extending it, be sure to update the corresponding value under models in config file.

Ticket Model Methods

  • syncCategories: Handles adding and deleting of entity categories.
  • addCategories: Add categories to the entity.
  • detachCategories: Removes given categories from entity.
  • categories: The categories that belong to the model. Query builder methods can be chained on it.
  • syncLabels: Handles adding and deleting of entity labels.
  • addLabels: Add labels to the entity.
  • detachLabels: Removes given labels from entity.
  • labels: The labels that belong to the model. Query builder methods can be chained on it.
  • addMessage: Add message to the entity.
  • detachMessages: Removes a set of messages or all messages from entity.
  • messages: The messages that belong to the model. Query builder methods can be chained on it.
  • postMessageAsAgent: Posts a message as agent.
  • assignAgent: Assigns an agent to the ticket.

syncCategories: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • categories: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

addCategories: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • categories: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

detachCategories: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • categories: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

categories: Collection

Returns a collection of or query builder instance of Category model.

syncLabels: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • labels: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

addLabels: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • labels: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

detachLabels: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • labels: An array of ids, int, or collection (model instances)

labels: Collection

Returns a collection of or query builder instance of Label model.

addMessage: false or Message

Returns false if user cannot be resolved or message cannot be created, else an instance of Message Model

Expects the following parameters:

  • body: A string containing the message
  • user: (Optional) A user id, Model or null (when null default value is the ticket's user id)

detachMessages: void

Expects the following parameters:

  • messages: (Optional) An array of ids, model id, or collection (model instances);

Deletes all messages when no value passed.

messages: Collection

Returns a collection of or query builder instance of Message model.

postMessageAsAgent: false or Message

Returns false if user cannot be resolved or message cannot be created, else an instance of Message Model

Expects the following parameters:

  • message: A string containing the message body

assignAgent: false or Ticket

Returns false if user cannot be resolved, else an instance of Ticket model to chain more operations.

Expects the following parameters:

  • value: int or User model instance.


See the published support-tickets config file for available options.

Note: When modifying the config file, ensure the users, tables and models values are always set.

Most of the default setup is set to match the basic Laravel app structure, hence there is no need to modify the config file heavily.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The GNU GPLv3. Please see License File for more information.