
User invitation system for Laravel application

v0.1.0 2022-06-02 14:00 UTC


#Laravel invite

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A simple invitation system for Eloquent models in your Laravel application. The package doesn't cover sending emails, views or routing.

// Make an invitation
$user = User::find(1);

// Make an invitation directly from an Eloquent Model
$referer = User::find(1);

$invitee = User::find(2);

// Set properties of an invitation
            ->expireIn(3, 'days')
// Accept an invitation


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rubik-llc/laravel-invite

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="invite-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="invite-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    | Invitation class
    | The invite class that should be used to store and retrieve the invitations.
    | If you specify a different model class, make sure that model extends the default
    | Invitation model that is shipped with this package.

    'invitation_model' => \Rubik\LaravelInvite\Models\Invitation::class,

    | Delete on decline
    | When this option is enabled, whenever an invitation is declined it will automatically
    | be deleted.

    'delete_on_decline' => false,

    | Unit
    | The unit of the values.
    | This package uses Carbon for date and time related calculations, therefore
    | the value of this option should be only values that Carbon accepts.
    | e.g: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc.

    'unit' => 'hours',

    | Expire
    | The default value of when to expire an invitation after its created. It uses
    | the units that are specified above.
    | If the value is set to true, it enables a scheduler that executes
    | a command every hour which deletes all invitations that have surpassed the amount
    | of time given in delete.after
    'expire' => [

        'after' => 48,

        'delete' => [
            'auto' => false,
            'after' => 48,




Registering the Referable Model

In order to let a model be able to make invitations, simply add the CanInvite trait to the class of that model.

namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Rubik\LaravelInvite\Traits\CanInvite;

class User extends Model
    use CanInvite;

Registering the Invitable Model

In order to let a model be able to receive invitations, add the RecivesInvitation trait to the class of that model.

namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Rubik\LaravelInvite\Traits\RecivesInvitation;

class User extends Model
    use RecivesInvitation;

Making invitations

There are two ways to make an invitation:

1. Making invitations using the Facade

use Rubik\LaravelInvite\Facades\Invitation;


2. Making invitations from a referer Model

Making an invitation from a model will automatically set in as the referer. Make sure the model class uses the CanInvite trait.

$user = User::find(1);

$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->make();

$invitation->referable // will return the user that made the invitation.

NOTE: An email is required in order to make an invitation.

Additionally, you can specify other parameters like:


You can associate a referer to an invitation using the referer method which accepts an eloquent model as a parameter.

$referer = User::find(1);


or update the referer of an existing invitation.

$invitation = Invitation::find(1);



You can associate an invitee to an invitation using the invitee method. This method accepts an eloquent model or a model class name.

  • Using Eloquent Model

This option should be used when the invitee is created before the invitation is sent.

$invitee = User::find(1);

// Using the Facade
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->invitee($invitee)->make();

// Using the Referer Model
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->invitee($invitee)->make();

$invitation->invitable // will return an instance of the User model

or update the invitee of an existing invitation.

$invitation = Invitation::find(1);

  • Using class name

This option should be used when the invitee is created after the invitation is accepted, and you want to specify its model class.

// Using the Facade
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->invitee(User::class)->make();

// Using the Referer Model
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->invitee($invitee)->make();

$invitation->invitable_type // will return App/Models/User


In addition to the config file, you can specify the expiration of a specific invitation using the expireAt or expireIn methods.

  • Expire at

This method accepts a date as string or Carbon instance and sets the invitation expires_at property to the given date.

use Carbon\Carbon;

// Using the Facade
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->expireAt('2022-02-02')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-02-02 00:00:00'
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->expireAt('2022-02-02 12:50:30')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-02-02 12:50:30'
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->expireAt(Carbon::parse('2022-01-01'))-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-01-01 00:00:00'

// Using the Referer Model
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->expireAt('2022-02-02')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-02-02 00:00:00'
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->expireAt('2022-02-02 12:50:30')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-02-02 12:50:30'
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->expireAt(Carbon::parse('2022-01-01'))-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return '2022-01-01 00:00:00'
  • Expire in

This method accepts two parameters, the value and unit.

use Carbon\Carbon;

// Using the Facade
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->expireIn(48, 'hours')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return now() + 48 hours
$invitation = Invitation::to('')->expireIn(10, 'days')-make(); //$invitation->expires_at will return now() + 10 days

// Using the Referer Model
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->expireIn(15, 'minutes')-make();  //$invitation->expires_at will return now() + 15 minutes
$invitation = $user->invitation()->to('')->expireIn(2, 'months')-make();  //$invitation->expires_at will return now() + 2 months

Getting an invitation by its token


Accepting invitations


Declining invitations


Delete on decline

If delete_on_decline option in config/invite.php is set to true, whenever an invitation is declined it will automatically be deleted.


$invitation //null

Auto delete expired invitations

Enabling option in config/invite.php, will run Rubik\LaravelInvite\Commands\DeleteExpiredInvitesCommand every hour that deletes all invitations the expiry date of which has surpassed the value given in expire.delete.after option in config/invite.php

Using a custom Invitation class

If you are using a custom invitation class make sure it extends the default Invitation class that is shipped with this package.

namespace App\Models;
use Rubik\LaravelInvite\Models\Invitation;

class CustomInvitation extends Invitation

In addition to that, you need to set the invitation_model value in the config file to the path of your custom class.

// config/invite.php

return [
    'invitation_model' => App\Models\CustomInvitation::class,  


The package dispatches various events

  • Rubik\LaravelInvite\Events\InvitationCreated

    This event dispatches whenever a new Invitation is created.

  • Rubik\LaravelInvite\Events\InvitationAccepted

    This event dispatches whenever the accept method is called and successfully executed.

  • Rubik\LaravelInvite\Events\InvitationDeclined

    This event dispatches whenever the decline method is called and successfully executed.

  • Rubik\LaravelInvite\Events\InvitationDeleted

    This event dispatches whenever an Invitation is deleted.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.