rroek / rest-component-bundle
BlackBox to easy generate RESTful HATEOAS API
Installs: 270
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 6
Watchers: 5
Forks: 343
- php: >=7.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle: ^1.6
- doctrine/orm: ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle: ^2.3
- goodby/csv: ^1.3
- jms/serializer-bundle: ^2.1
- symfony/config: ~3.2
- symfony/console: ~3.2
- symfony/dependency-injection: ~3.2
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle: ^3.1
- symfony/yaml: ~3.2
- willdurand/hateoas: ^2.10
- willdurand/hateoas-bundle: ^1.2
Requires (Dev)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:23:44 UTC
- Give you ability to to easier & faster make great RESTful HATEOAS Apis
Table of Contents
This bundle is initially forked from Sulu CMS (a CMF based on Symfony CMF). It give you ability to to easier & faster make great RESTful HATEOAS Apis.
It require friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle & willdurand/hateoas-bundle. And is placed on top of this bundles.
Easier. Faster. Make great RESTful HATEOAS APIs !
Activate bundle
To use it, simply composer require rroek/rest-component-bundle
and enable it :
in AppKernel.php :
/** * @return array */ public function registerBundles() { $bundles = [ [...] new RRoek\RestComponentBundle\RRoekRestComponentBundle(), [...]
Make your Controller
For this example, we will take "MyPersonalEntity" class wich is an Doctrine Entity in our Symfony Project.
Our Entity will have an id, a label, a relation with another entity & getters/setters for it.
So let's see interresting things :
I want to make my Controller. it job is to give access to my entity & make is CRUD callable. We will use nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle to generate our apiDoc. So lets create our Controller :
In :
<?php namespace Acme\BackendApiBundle\Controller\RestController; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\Model\AbstractRestController; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\Model\RestCRUDInterface; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\Exception\EntityNotFoundException; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\ListBuilder\Doctrine\DoctrineListBuilder; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\ListBuilder\Doctrine\FieldDescriptor\DoctrineFieldDescriptor; use RRoek\RestComponentBundle\Rest\ListBuilder\Doctrine\FieldDescriptor\DoctrineGroupConcatFieldDescriptor; use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Throwable; use Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity; /** * Class MyEntityRestController. */ class MyEntityRestController extends AbstractRestController implements RestCRUDInterface { // ---- --- Protected Methods --- ---- /** * This method will declare the fieds of our Entity to print * Returns array of existing field-descriptors. * * @return array */ protected function _getFieldDescriptors() { //Describe Join to another entity : $offerJoinForManyToOne = [ 'offer' => new DoctrineJoinDescriptor( 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:Offer', 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:MyEntity' . '.' . 'offer' ), ]; $offerJoinForOneToMany = [ 'offers' => new DoctrineJoinDescriptor( 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:Offer', 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:MyEntity' . '.' . 'offer' . 's' ), ]; //We return our entity fields & joins to print on API routes : return [ 'id' => new DoctrineFieldDescriptor( 'id',//$fieldName 'id',//$name 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:MyEntity',//$entityName 'id',//$translation = null, [],//$joins = [], false,//$disabled = false, false,//$default = false, '',//$type = '', '',//$width = '', '',//$minWidth = '', true,//$sortable = true, false,//$editable = false, ''//$cssClass = '' ), 'label' => new DoctrineFieldDescriptor( 'label', 'label', 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:MyEntity', 'label', [], false, false, '', '', '', true, false, '' ), //[...] //if MyEntity have a join on another entity (case with ManyToOne or OneToOne) : 'offer' => new DoctrineFieldDescriptor( 'id', 'offer', 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:Offer', 'offer', $offerJoinForManyToOne ), //if MyEntity have a join on another entity (case with OneToMany Be careful to have a doctrine extension for this !) : 'offers' => new DoctrineGroupConcatFieldDescriptor( new DoctrineFieldDescriptor( 'id', 'offers', 'AcmeBackendApiBundle:Offer', 'offers', $offerJoinForOneToMany ), 'offers' ), ]; } // ---- --- Public methods--- ---- /** * Returns all fields for a entity that can be used by list. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Get available fields of my entity with options", * output="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * statusCodes={ * 200 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @return Response */ public function getFieldsAction() { try { $fields = array_values($this->_getFieldDescriptors()); $view = $this->view($fields, Response::HTTP_OK); } catch (Throwable $e) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } return $this->handleView($view); } /** * Shows all entity items. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Get my Entity Collection", * output="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * statusCodes={ * 200 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function getListAction(Request $request) { try { // Get collection of entity list($listBuilder, $items) = $this->_getDataItems(); //Make our list representation to get paginated collection + filter, search etc. : $list = $this->_getListRepresentation( $items, 'my_entity_items',//Name of items key 'private_get_my_entity_list',//route to use (for pagination, search & filters $request, $listBuilder ); //Build view : $view = $this->view($list, Response::HTTP_OK); } catch (Throwable $e) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } //Return view representation to selected format like json : return $this->handleView($view); } /** * Returns a single entity item identified by id. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Get my Entity Instance", * output="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * statusCodes={ * 200 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function getAction($id) { try { //Get only one instance of entity with selected id : $item = $this->_getDataItems($id); //If entity existe return ok response : if (!$item) { $view = $this->view( ["message" => "Not found message"], Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND ); } else { $view = $this->view($item, Response::HTTP_OK); } } catch (Throwable $e) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } return $this->handleView($view); } /** * Create a new entity and returns it. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Create my Entity", * input="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * output="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * statusCodes={ * 201 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 404 = "Http code returned if instance of entity not found", * 409 = "Http code returned if conflict", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function postAction(Request $request) { $data = $request->request->all(); try { //Create you entity here... $item = new MyEntity(); // [...] $view = $this->view($item, Response::HTTP_CREATED); } catch (EntityNotFoundException $e) { $view = $this->view( ["message" => "Not found message"], Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND ); } catch (Throwable $t) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } return $this->handleView($view); } /** * Update a entity with given id. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Ypdate my entire Entity", * input="Acme\BackendApiBundle\Entity\MyEntity", * statusCodes={ * 204 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 404 = "Http code returned if instance of entity not found", * 409 = "Http code returned if conflict", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param int $id * @param Request $request * * @return Response */ public function putAction($id, Request $request) { $data = $request->request->all(); try { //Update here your entity... $view = $this->view(null, Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT); } catch (EntityNotFoundException $e) { $view = $this->view( ["message" => "Not found message"], Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND ); } catch (Throwable $t) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } return $this->handleView($view); } /** * Change a entity to closed. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Patch one part of my Entity", * statusCodes={ * 204 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 404 = "Http code returned if instance of entity not found", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function patchAction($id) { //[...] Same way } /** * Delete a entity. * * @ApiDoc( * description="Delete my Entity", * statusCodes={ * 201 = "Http code returned if success", * 401 = "Http code returned if our auth failed", * 404 = "Http code returned if instance of entity not found", * 500 = "Http code returned is server error or unexpected error" * }, * ) * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function deleteAction($id) { try { //Delete you entity here... $view = $this->view(null, Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT); } catch (EntityNotFoundException $e) { $view = $this->view( ["message" => "Not found message"], Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND ); } catch (Throwable $t) { //log error for example... $view = $this->view( ["message" => "my error message"], Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } return $this->handleView($view); } }
Declare our routes :
# ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ # my_entity api routes # ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ private_get_my_entity_fields: path: /my-entities/fields.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:getFields, _format: json } methods: GET requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_get_my_entity_list: path: /my-entities.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:getList, _format: json } methods: GET requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_get_my_entity: path: /my-entities/{id}.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:get, _format: json } methods: GET requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_post_my_entity: path: /my-entities.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:post, _format: json } methods: POST requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_put_my_entity: path: /my-entities/{id}.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:put, _format: json } methods: PUT requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_patch_my_entity: path: /my-entities/{id}/close.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:patchClose, _format: json } methods: PATCH requirements: _format: json|xml|csv private_delete_my_entity: path: /my-entities/{id}.{_format} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBackendApiBundle:RestController\MyEntityRest:delete, _format: json } methods: DELETE requirements: _format: json|xml|csv
And its all ! Your entity Full CRUD APi is created, it have allready CRUD methods and respect RESTful HATEOAS recommendations :
{ "page": 1, "limit": 10, "pages": 1, "total": 7, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?page=1&limit=10" }, "first": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?page=1&limit=10" }, "last": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?page=1&limit=10" }, "filter": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?fields=%7BfieldsList%7D&page=1&limit=10" }, "find": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?search=%7BsearchString%7D&searchFields=%7BsearchFields%7D&page=1&limit=10" }, "pagination": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?page=%7Bpage%7D&limit=%7Blimit%7D" }, "sortable": { "href": "/app_dev.php/private/api/v1/frequencies?sortBy=%7BsortBy%7D&sortOrder=%7BsortOrder%7D&page=1&limit=10" } }, "_embedded": { "my_entity_items": [ { "id": 1, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 2, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 3, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 4, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 5, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 6, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" }, { "id": 7, "code": "XXXX", "label": "example label" } ] } }