
Laravel app settings stored in the database

dev-main 2023-07-03 19:47 UTC


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This package will set and get key-value settings from your Laravel app database. It was originally designed to work with a multi-tenant app, which is why the settings were stored in a database and not the standard config files.

There are probably other packages which do a similar thing. You should probably use one of those. ;)


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rpillz/laravel-settings

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="settings-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="settings-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    // these default settings will be used if there is nothing saved in the database using the same key.
    'defaults' => [

        'default-key' => 'Default Value',
        'is-this-true' => true,



Primary usage is through a Facade.

Settings::get('default-key'); // returns 'Default Value' from the config file.

Settings::set('default-key', 'My New Value'); // updates this setting in the database.

// Beware of cached values
Settings::get('default-key'); // will still return the original 'Default Value'.

// Get the latest value
Settings::get('default-key', true); // passing a true with get() is the same as fresh()

You can add setting values with different type casts.

Settings::set('default-key', 'My New Value', 'string'); // string is default. What goes in is what comes out.

Settings::set('default-key', 'My New Value', 'array'); // convert string into single array value

Settings::set('numbers', 'one, two, three', 'csv'); // convert csv string into array

Settings::set('is_active', 1, 'boolean'); // convert value into boolean

You can remove settings.

Settings::forget('this-setting'); // temporarily nulls in the settings cache (for current page load only)

Settings::delete('this-setting'); // removes setting from the cache and the database.

Use the fluent for() function to set things for a specific model. You may use this for unique settings, or to override defaults.

Settings::set('this-setting-is', 'on base');

Settings::for($model)->set('this-setting-is', 'on model');

Note that the for() function can be made "sticky" by passing true as the second argument and all uses of settings after will maintain the set model.

Settings::for($model, true)->set('this-setting-is', 'on model');

Settings::set('this-setting-is', 'still on model');

Settings::resetModel(); // to clear out the sticky model.


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.