
ThemeEngineBundle handles themes packed as standard Symfony2 Bundles

v1.1.6 2014-05-15 04:27 UTC


ThemeEngineBundle is the bundle deputed to render a website created by RedKite CMS, both during the developing and then in production.

Although an application created by RedKite CMS does not require the CMS itself to work in production environment, you need this bundle to render the twig files generated by RedKite to render the website in production.

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This bundle exposes some properties you can configure to adapt some bundle behaviors:

  • deploy_bundle
  • base_template
  • stage_templates_folder
  • templates_folder
  • bootstrap

The deploy_bundle parameter

This parameter defines the bundle where RedKite CMS will deploy the generated files for the website pages.

    deploy_bundle: AcmeWebSiteBundle

The base_template parameter

This parameter defines the base template the bundle will use to render each website page:

    base_template: AcmeWebSiteBundle:Theme:base.html.twig

The stage_templates_folder parameter

This parameter defines the folder for the stage environment where RedKite CMS will deploy the generated files for the website pages into the deploy bundle:

    stage_templates_folder: StageFolder

The templates_folder parameter

This parameter defines the folder for the production environment where RedKite CMS will deploy the generated files for the website pages into the deploy bundle:

    templates_folder: ProdFolder

The bootstrap parameter

This parameter defines the bootstrap version required by a theme:

      theme: [{theme: BootbusinessThemeBundle, version: 2.x}]