Packages from redkite-labs

  • JavaScript


    RedKiteCms is an Open Source Content Management System Application, built on top of Symfony2 components and TwitterBootstrap frameworks, providing an easy an intuitive user-interface, to improve the website's content management experience

  • CSS


    The "RedKite CMS Sandbox" distribution

  • PHP


    RedKiteLabsBootstrapBundle takes care to autoload and configure bundles on a composer base application. The responsibility to configure the bundle is delegated to the bundle's author, who implements an autoloader.json file, where declares the bundle's configuration.

  • PHP


    The ElFinderBundle encapsulates the elFinder file manager to be used in Symfony2.

  • PHP


    ThemeEngineBundle handles themes packed as standard Symfony2 Bundles

  • PHP


    RedKiteCms is an Open Source Content Management System Application, built on top of Symfony2 components and TwitterBootstrap frameworks, providing an easy an intuitive user-interface, to improve the website's content management experience

  • JavaScript


    Official RedKiteCms plugins