
This is FileHandling package to be used with FilamentPHP/Laravel.

v1.10.1 2025-03-11 04:53 UTC


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RayzenAI File Manager for Filament with S3

The RayzenAI File Manager is a Laravel package built specifically for Filament, providing a user-friendly, SEO-optimized way to manage images and files in your application. It integrates seamlessly with Filament, making it easy to handle file uploads, retrieval, and organization, all while ensuring SEO best practices.

This package is developed and maintained by RayzenTech.

About RayzenTech

RayzenTech is a tech startup based in Nepal focused on creating smart business solutions. We specialize in automating complex processes and making them simple, from business automation to robotic process automation. Our goal is to make life easier with innovative technology.

Learn more about us at RayzenTech.


Follow these steps to install the package in your Filament-powered Laravel application:

  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require rayzenai/file-manager
  2. Publish the configuration file with:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag="file-manager-config"

    This will generate a configuration file file-manager.php in config folder where you can customize the file manager settings.

  3. Define the models and their corresponding path names in the configuration file. Example:

    return [
        'User' => 'users', // Define other models and their path names here according to your project

Usage in Model

To use the RayzenAI File Manager in your Filament project, you need to use the trait HasImages.

  1. Use the HasImages Trait:

    In the model where you want to manage files, use the HasImages trait. This allows your model to manage file uploads and retrievals easily.


    use Kirantimsina\FileManager\Traits\HasImages;
    class YourModel extends Model implements InterfacesHasImages
        use HasFactory, HasImages;
        protected $guarded = ['id']; // This protects the 'id' field
        // We define the 'images' field as an array
        protected $casts = [
            'images' => 'array',
        // Specify which fields in this model will handle images. This is used for resizing
        protected function hasImagesTraitFields(): array
            return ['images'];


  • HasImages Trait: This trait provides the actual methods for uploading, retrieving, and storing images.
  • $casts: We cast the images field to an array so you can easily store multiple image paths in one field.
  • hasImagesTraitFields: This method defines which fields (in this case, images) will be used to handle images resizing.

After setting this up, your Filament-powered model will be ready to handle file uploads, organize them efficiently, and ensure everything is SEO-friendly.

Usage in Resource


The ImageUpload component works similarly to Filament's FileUpload, but with additional customizations that enhance file management. It systematically saves your files and generates SEO-friendly URLs. Essentially, it extends Filament's FileUpload functionality to improve its usability and performance.



The S3Image is an enhanced version of the ImageColumn. It displays images in a table, and when an image is clicked, a larger view opens in a side modal. Like ImageColumn, it is built on top of Filament but includes additional customization features to improve the user experience.



Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.