
Tracks user actions in your application.


Tracks user interactions with your site including, page views, logins, custom actions, etc.


Railtracker looks at incoming server responses and stores information about it in our database. It stores the following for all requests:

  • user id
  • cookie id (for anonymous visitors)
  • url
  • laravel route
  • device info
  • agent info
  • request method (PUT, PATCH, etc)
  • referring url
  • language
  • ip
  • date

It stores the following for all responses:

  • request id
  • status code returned
  • response duration (how long it took the server to respond)
  • date


Railtracker also stores any error/exception information that happens while the server processes the request:

  • request id
  • exception code
  • exception line
  • exception class
  • exception file
  • exception message
  • exception trace

Media Playback

The last part of railtracker is media playback tracking. It tracks how many seconds of any given content that a user watches/consumes. The data it stores looks like this:

  • media id (usually a vimeo video id or youtube video id)
  • user id
  • seconds played
  • current second (where the user currently is in the video)
  • date

Final Note

Railtracker is purely a tool for storing the above information, it does not process or analyze the information in any way.