
Client for the Rainbow 6 Siege stats API

1.1.0 2018-11-08 23:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-31 03:37:34 UTC


Latest Stable Version Maintainability License


You can install the library via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require r6api/client

This will install the client without the needed HTTP client. We suggest you to install:

  • php-http/curl-client Simpler if you have no HTTP client on your project.
  • php-http/guzzle6-adapter If you already use guzzle, I suggest you using this package.

To use the library, use Composer's autoload:

require_once __DIR__. '/vendor/autoload.php';

Getting Started

Simple usage to get someone profile:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use R6API\Client\ClientBuilder;
use R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType;

$builder = new ClientBuilder();
$builder->setCacheItemPool($cacheItemPool); // accept PSR-6 adapter (not mandatory)
$client = $builder->buildAuthenticated('%email%', '%password%');



Look for profile of an user called panda_______

$profiles = $client->getProfileApi()->get(PlatformType::PC, 'panda_______');
Parameters Value Checks
$platform Platform to look at Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType
$value Value to search No real restrictions here
$key Key to search Possible values are: nameOnPlatform, idOnPlatform, userId

$profiles will contains an array of Profile model:

class Profile
     * @var \Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid
    public $profileId;

     * @var \Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid
    public $userId;

     * @var string
     * @see \R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType
    public $platformType;

     * @var \Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid
    public $idOnPlatform;

     * @var string
    public $nameOnPlatform;


Progression for user we searched in Profile example:

$progressions = $client->getProgressionApi()->get(PlatformType::PC, ['575b8c76-a33a-4c19-9618-d14b9343d527']);
Parameters Value Checks
$platform Platform to look at Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType
$profileIds Profiles to search Search by profileId, each one should be UUID

$progressions will contains an array of Progression model:

class Progression
     * @var int
    public $xp;

     * @var Uuid
    public $profileId;

     * @var int
    public $lootboxProbability;

     * @var int
    public $level;

    public function getLootboxProbabilityPercent(): float;


Rank for user we searched in Profile example:

$response = $client->getRankApi()->get(PlatformType::PC, RegionType::EUROPE, SeasonType::CURRENT, ['575b8c76-a33a-4c19-9618-d14b9343d527']);
Parameters Value Checks
$platform Platform to look at Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType
$region Region to filter Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\RegionType
$season Season to look at Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\SeasonType
$profileIds Profiles to search Search by profileId, each one should be UUID

$response will contains an array of Rank model:

class Rank
     * @var string
    public $boardId;

     * @var int
    public $pastSeasonsAbandons;

     * @var \DateTime
    public $updateTime;

     * @var float
    public $skillMean;

     * @var int
    public $abandons;

     * @var int
    public $season;

     * @var string
    public $region;

     * @var Uuid
    public $profileId;

     * @var int
    public $pastSeasonsLosses;

     * @var float
    public $maxMmr;

     * @var float
    public $mmr;

     * @var int
    public $wins;

     * @var float
    public $skillStdev;

     * @var int
    public $rank;

     * @var int
    public $losses;

     * @var int
    public $nextRankMmr;

     * @var int
    public $pastSeasonsWins;

     * @var int
    public $previousRankMmr;

     * @var int
    public $maxRank;

    public function getWinLosseRate(): float;


Statistic for user we searched in Profile example:

$statistics = [

$response = $client->getStatisticApi()->get(PlatformType::PC, ['575b8c76-a33a-4c19-9618-d14b9343d527'], $statistics);
Parameters Value Checks
$platform Platform to look at Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\PlatformType
$profileIds Profiles to search Search by profileId, each one should be UUID
$statistics Statistic to filter Check \R6API\Client\Api\Type\StatisticType, this is an array

$response will contains an array of Statistic model:

class Statistic
     * @var Uuid
    public $profileId;

     * @var array
    public $statistics;

Understand that $statistics array will contains all responses with StatisticType as key and corresponding value as value ;)