
A set of helper utilities and traits

v1.0.14 2024-12-04 08:37 UTC


Propay Systems

Propay Utilities

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A set of helper utilities and traits to common functions we use everyday and across all our systems.


PHP 8.1+
Laravel 9+


You can install the package via composer:

composer require propaysystems/utilities

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="utilities-config"



-- Database Helper --

Clears all data and reset auto increment on given table.


-- Date Helper --

This will get the month name of the month number you pass in. Abbreviation will return the short name of the month.

DateHelper::getMonthName($number, $abbreviation = false);

Get current financial year of South Africa


Get time


-- File Helper --

This will get the human-readable format of the bytes you pass in

FileHelper::formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2);

-- Http Helper --

Get the currently assigned public ip address of the request


Get the currently useragent of the request


Get the hostname/domain name of the system. You can specify full to return http::// parts aswell

HttpHelper::hostname($full = false);

Get the subdomain of the current system


-- Id Number Helper --

Generate a fake id number for testing from the date of birth

IdNumberHelper::generateIdNumber($dateOfBirt, int $male = 1);

Generate a complete fake id number for testing

IdNumberHelper::generateFakeNumber($dateOfBirt, int $male = 1);

Get gender from the id number


Get the date of birth from the id number


Get age from the id number


Validate the id number

IdNumberHelper::getAgeFromIdNumber($attribute, $value, $parameters);

-- Number Helper --

Will generate a random integer between 1 and 100 000


Will get the % difference between 2 number

NumberHelper::getPercentageDifference(int $last, int $current);

This will format the number accordingly 100000 will become 100.00k

NumberHelper::numberFormat(int $number);

This will combine a country prefix ex: 27 with the cell number ex: 0821231234 and return 27821231234

NumberHelper::combineCellPrefix($prefix, $number)

-- Route Helper --

Check of the string is in the current route name


-- SMS Helper --

Get the number of sms messages from the string


-- Spatie Media Helper --

Helper functions related to the spatie media package for managing files

-- String Helper --

This will get the first character of each word and capitalise them and only return first letter/s

StringHelper::initials($str, bool $upperCase = true);

This will capitalise first character of each word and return the string


Removed all white spaces and special characters

StringHelper::clean($string, string $delimiter = '-', bool $toLower = false, bool $removeSpecialChars = true);

This will generate a random password

StringHelper::generatePassword($length = 15, $count = 1, $characters = 'lower_case,upper_case,numbers,special_symbols');

This will mask a string with relevant characters

StringHelper::mask($string, string $maskingCharacter = '*', int $padLeft = 4, int $padRight = 4));

Transform db column name to human-readable


Transform db column name to human-readable relation


Return a list of all special characters



Include these traits in any of your classes

-- Activity Helper Trait --

This is a helper function to the spatie activity log package

use ActivityHelper;

$thia->log(string $channel, string $description, $preformedOn = null, $causedBy = null, array $properties = []);

-- TableHelper Trait --

This is a helper for the WireUI notifications to easily fire a notification from any livewire class.

use AlertHelper;

$this->alert($title, $text...);

-- Dropdown Schema Trait --

Use the trait in your database models instead of having to write the boilerplate code multiple times

use DropdownSchema;


-- Composite Primary Key Trait --

Use the trait in your database models to allow access to composite primary keys

use HasCompositePrimaryKey;

$this->find($ids, $columns = ['*']);

-- Password Strength Trait --

Us this trait for password strength progress bar.

use PasswordStrength;

-- Password Validation Trait --

Us this trait for standard password validation.

use PasswordValidationRules;

-- Save to uppercase Trait --

This will fave all your model data to uppercase

use SaveToUpper;

-- Set null on empty Trait --

This will force all empty string to be null instead of empty

use SetNullOnEmpty;


-- Toggle triggers Trait --

This will toggle enable or disable triggers in the relevant database table

use TriggerHelper;

$this->switchDatabaseTrigger($enable = true, $table = null, $trigger = null, string $connection = 'sqlsrv');

-- TableHelper Trait --

This is a helper for the livewire powergrid package on for the pagination.

use TableHelper;


Run pest testing

composer test

Run phpstan code analysis

composer analyse


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.