
Core Module for PLC XI Api Server

dev-main 2022-11-27 02:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-27 05:41:28 UTC


onePlace XI Api Core

Core Module for onePlace XI Api Server.

How to start locally

  • Enter Projekt directory, run composer install
  • Create config/autoload/local.php
  • Start Dev Server php -S -t public public/index.php
  • The API is now running on localhost:8080
return [
    'db' => [
        'adapters' => [
            'api' => [
                'database' => 'nameOfYourDatabase',
                'driver' => 'PDO_Mysql',
                'username' => 'databaseUser',
                'password' => 'databasePassword',
    'api-tools-mvc-auth' => [
        'authentication' => [
            'adapters' => [
                'api' => [
                    'adapter' => \Laminas\ApiTools\MvcAuth\Authentication\OAuth2Adapter::class,
                    'storage' => [
                        'adapter' => \pdo::class,
                        'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=nameOfYourDatabase;host=localhost;charset=utf8',
                        'route' => '/oauth',
                        'username' => 'databaseUser',
                        'password' => 'databasePassword',

Configure Authentication

  • Insert a new row into oauth_clients table
    • client_id is the username for your client
    • client_secret is the hashed password for your client
      • You can use php .\vendor\laminas-api-tools\api-tools-oauth2\bin\bcrypt.php yourPassword to generate a bcrypt hash