phpexperts / color-speaker
An easy-to-use converter for different types of color models.
- php: >=7.2
- ext-json: *
- phpexperts/simple-dto: ^2.3
Requires (Dev)
ColorSpeaker is a PHP Experts, Inc., Project is an easy-to-use converter for different types of color models.
It aims to support all major color models: RGB, CSS hex codes, HSL and HSV.
Via Composer
composer require phpexperts/color-speaker
Initialize it with 3 standard RGB integers:
$rgbSpeaker = ColorSpeaker::fromRGB(123, 111, 55); $hexSpeaker = ColorSpeaker::fromHexCode('#7B6F37'); $hslSpeaker = ColorSpeaker::fromHSL(49, 38, 35);
It can easily be used as a string for css-compatible output:
$csv = ".box { background-color: $rgbSpeaker; }"; // .box { background-color: rgb(123, 111, 55); } $csvHex = ".box { background-color: $hexSpeaker; }"; // .box { background-color: #7B6F37; }
You can also fetch the RGBColor and the HexColor directly:
$rgbColor = $rgbSpeaker->toRGB(); /* (string) $rgbColor === rgb(123, 111, 55); SimpleDTO => { 'red' => 123, 'green' => 111, 'blue' => 55 }; */
See the SimpleDTO Project for more.
You can also export to different color formats:
$hexColor = $rgbSpeaker->toHexCode(); /** (string) $hexColor === #7B6F37 SimpleDTO => { 'hex' => '#7B6F37 } **/
All colors serializable and easily converted to JSON objects:
$linguist = ColorSpeaker::fromHexCode('#7B6F37'); $rgbColor = $linguist->toRGB(); echo json_encode($rgbColor, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); /** { "red": 123, "green": 111, "blue": 55 } **/
Use cases
✔ Can be constructed from an RGBColor
✔ Can be constructed from a HexColor
✔ Can be constructed from an HSLColor
✔ From RGB: Will only accept integers between 0 and 255, inclusive
✔ From CSS Hex: Will only accept a valid 3 or 6 digit Hex color string,
starting with a "#" sign
✔ Can return an RGBColor
✔ Can return a CSSHexColor
✔ Can return an HSLColor
✔ Can be outputted as a CSS string
✔ Will only accept integers between 0 and 255, inclusive
✔ Will only accept literal integers
✔ Can be constructed with a zero-indexed array
✔ Can be outputted as a CSS string
✔ Can assert if a string is a valid CSS hex color
✔ The hex code must start with a "#" sign
✔ Will only accept three digit and six digit hex codes
✔ Can be outputted as a CSS string
✔ Will only accept a valid HSL geometry of percentages or percent-integers
✔ Can be constructed with a zero-indexed array
✔ Can be constructed with integers
✔ Can be outputted as a CSS string
phpunit --testdox
Theodore R. Smith
GPG Fingerprint: 4BF8 2613 1C34 87AC D28F 2AD8 EB24 A91D D612 5690
CEO: PHP Experts, Inc.
A big shoutout to That wonderful color converter made this project's development 70% easier!
MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.