
A lightweight asynchronous PHP server/client for blockchain networks.

Fund package maintenance!

v0.4.1 2021-03-13 22:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-25 03:30:31 UTC


A lightweight asynchronous PHP server/client for blockchain networks.

PHP Composer

Currently in development. Not all endpoints are available. Help welcome!

Table of Contents


Supported Platforms

  • Ethereum

Future Platforms

  • Cardano

Quick Start Example

Call the Ethereum eth_protocolversion endpoint.



$Ethereum = new PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Client();

    ->then(function (string $version) {
        echo "The protocol version is: " . $version . "\n";


Promises Example

You can chain calls and pass along additional information to next the link in the promise chain.



use PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Model\Gwei;
use PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Model\Transaction;
use PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Type\Hash32;
use PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Type\HexAddress;

use function PHPBlock\Helper\pass;

$Ethereum = new PHPBlock\Network\Ethereum\Client();
# Lightweight types for all data elements.
$value = new Gwei(Gwei::ethToGwei('.0001'));
$to = new HexAddress('0x579ACE666FBbb2cE728B5F335E69Dc7A2C8623D4');
$from = new HexAddress('0x268d5eBe19aF845c23E0Fd4290725E9679Cd1B7d');
$sendTransaction = Transaction::make($to, $from, $value);

    ->then(function (Hash32 $hash32) use ($Ethereum) {
        # Pass additional values easily similar to a tuple.
        return pass($Ethereum->ethGetTransactionByHash($hash32), $hash32);
    })->then(function (array $data) {
        [$receiveTransaction, $hash32] = $data;

        if ($receiveTransaction->hash == $hash32) {
            echo "The hashes match!";



Get started quickly using Composer.

$ composer require phpblock/core


In order to run tests, you must first clone this repo and then install the dependencies through Composer:

$ composer install

You can then use the geth client or ganache-cli to test Ethereum RPC calls. You can also install the ganache client on Windows.

#Using geth (Ubuntu):
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ethereum

#Using geth (OS X & brew):
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum
brew install ethereum --devel

#Using ganache-cli (npm)
npm install -g ganache-cli

This project uses PHPUnit and PHPBench. To run the test suite, enter the project root and run:

$ composer run-script check


MIT, see LICENSE file.


BTC: bc1qkqsfuaptqcslwmxh5lz2utxls4pe7wnjhepa2s

ETH: 0x00E069d105F61564530859A35FE0D007C3536a35

ADA: addr1qywvljkfnyyey38te86tshjscn6yw25c069lf82jfjgv57m3txy8f0nf4wnjwcr8uxmlg9wk7lt6uu7g5w9x077v8lwqgsulw6

DOGE: D949UWaLauvKyhX6PNuXGavmMNS6uFcjfS