open20 / amos-admin
Gestione utenti - plugin
- php: >=5.4.0
- ext-ldap: *
- cornernote/yii2-workflow-manager: *
- himiklab/yii2-recaptcha-widget: *
- open20/amos-attachments: ^1.7.0
- open20/amos-community: ^1.14.1
- open20/amos-comuni: *
- open20/amos-core: ^1.28.0
- open20/amos-notify: ^1.4.17
- open20/amos-privileges: ^1.0.0
- open20/amos-social-auth: ^1.5.0
- raoul2000/yii2-workflow: *
- raoul2000/yii2-workflow-view: *
- softark/yii2-dual-listbox: *
- softcommerce/yii2-knob: *
- dev-master
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- 2.0.31
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- dev-releases/2.18.5
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- dev-releases/2.3.0
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- dev-releases/2.2.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 16:30:39 UTC
User Profile management
Add admin requirement in your composer.json:
"open20/amos-admin": "dev-master",
Enable the Admin modules in modules-amos.php, add :
'admin' => [
'class' => 'open20\amos\admin\AmosAdmin',
add admin migrations to console modules (console/config/migrations-amos.php):
If tags are needed enable tag roots for user in tag plugin. To do so:
- Activate tag plugin (check it is in modules configuration list)
- Open tag manager (admin privilege is required) url: /tag/manager
- Click on tag tree roots to enable
- In the last select of the page (user interest), enable for needed user roles.
Configurable fields
Here the list of configurable fields, properties of module AmosAdmin. If some property default is not suitable for your project, you can configure it in module, eg:
'admin' => [ 'class' => 'open20\amos\admin\AmosAdmin', 'enableRegister' => true, //changed property (default was false) ],
configuration example:
$modules['admin'] = [ 'class' => 'open20\amos\admin\AmosAdmin', 'enableRegister' => true, 'organizationModuleName' => 'organizations', 'modelMap' => [ 'User' => [ 'class' => 'open20\amos\porting\console\models\PortingUser', ] ], 'fieldsConfigurations' => [ 'boxes' => [ 'box_account_data' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_dati_accesso' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_dati_contatto' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_dati_fiscali_amministrativi' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false], 'box_dati_nascita' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false], 'box_email_frequency' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_facilitatori' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_foto' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_informazioni_base' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_presentazione_personale' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_prevalent_partnership' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_privacy' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_questio' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false], 'box_role_and_area' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'box_social_account' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], ], 'fields' => [ 'attivo' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_account_data'], 'codice_fiscale' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_fiscali_amministrativi'], 'cognome' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'default_facilitatore' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true], 'email' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_contatto'], 'email_pec' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_contatto'], 'facebook' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_social_account'], 'facilitatore_id' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_facilitatori'], 'googleplus' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_social_account'], 'linkedin' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_social_account'], 'nascita_comuni_id' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_nascita'], 'nascita_data' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_nascita'], 'nascita_nazioni_id' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_nascita'], 'nascita_province_id' => ['form' => false, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_nascita'], 'nome' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'note' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'presentazione_breve' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'presentazione_personale' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_presentazione_personale'], 'prevalent_partnership_id' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_prevalent_partnership'], 'privacy' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_privacy'], 'sesso' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'telefono' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_contatto'], 'twitter' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_social_account'], 'ultimo_accesso' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_account_data'], 'ultimo_logout' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_account_data'], 'username' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_dati_accesso'], 'user_profile_age_group_id' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'user_profile_area_id' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_role_and_area'], 'userProfileImage' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_foto'], 'user_profile_role_id' => ['form' => true, 'view' => false, 'referToBox' => 'box_role_and_area'], ] ] ]; . . . return $modules;
Module configuration params
enableRegister - boolean, default = false
set to true to enable user register to the application and create his own userprofile -
showLogInRegisterButton - boolean, default = true
set to true to enable user register button on login form -
hideStandardLoginPageSection - boolean, default = false
If true hide the login page section where the user can insert username and password. -
textWarningForRegisterDisabled - string set the text that will to show if the register is disabled
enableUserContacts - boolean, default = true
enable connection to users, send private messages, and see 'contacts' in section 'NETWORK' of the user profile -
cached - boolean, default = false
enable or not admin query caching -
cacheDuration - int, default = 84600 (24 hours)
seconds of query caching duration if $cache = true - default is 1 day -
bypassWorkflow - boolean, default = false
If true the plugin bypass the user profile workflow and show nothing of it -
htmlMailContent - string, default = '@vendor/open20/amos-admin/src/mail/user/credenziali-html'
This is the html used to render the message of the e-mail. In the view is available the variable $profile that is an instance of 'open20\amos\admin\models\UserProfile'. -
textMailContent - string, default = '@vendor/open20/amos-admin/src/mail/user/credenziali-text'
This is the text used to render the message of the e-mail. In the view is available the variable $profile that is an instance of 'open20\amos\admin\models\UserProfile' -
fieldsConfigurations - array, default:
public $fieldsConfigurations = [ 'boxes' => [ 'box_informazioni_base' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true] ], 'fields' => [ 'nome' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'cognome' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_informazioni_base'], 'userProfileImage' => ['form' => true, 'view' => true, 'referToBox' => 'box_foto'] ] ];
This array contains all configurations for boxes and fields to enable in form/wizard and view for model UserProfile. Find in /src/views/user-profile/boxes all the possible subviews to enable/disable for user profile.
- profileRequiredFields - array, default = ['nome', 'cognome', 'status', 'presentazione_breve']
Mandatory fields in user profile form: by default name, surname, profile status and short presentation (I present myself in 140 characters) are mandatory.
If in your platform, for example, you don't want short presentation to be a mandatory field, overwrite profileRequiredFields property as below:
'admin' => [ 'class' => 'open20\amos\admin\AmosAdmin', 'profileRequiredFields' => ['nome', 'cognome', 'status'] ],
confManager - ConfigurationManager, default = null
//TODO explain -
defaultUserRole - string, default = 'BASIC_USER'
At user creation, it is possible to customize the Rbac role to assign to a new user, default is BASIC_USER role. -
organizationModuleName - string, default = 'organizzazioni'
This is the module name (you used as array key in modules configuration of your platform) referring to a module extending open20\amos\core\interfaces\OrganizationsModuleInterface It is used to give the possibility to customize the entity type used to set user profile prevalent partnership, for example. //TODO explain better -
allowLoginWithEmailOrUsername - boolean, default = true
This feature allow user to login both with username or email. It's enabled by default. -
userCanSelectUsername - boolean, default = false
If this is set to false, when a new user is created the platform automatically set the username with the part before '@' of the email. If the username is not available the system generate an unique one. by default the user cannot select the username. -
disableUpdateChangeStatus - boolean, default = false
If this is set to false the popup on my profile modify is disabled. -
enableWorkflowChangeStatusMails - boolean, default = true
If this is set to false the mails on change profile workflow status are disabled. -
whiteListProfileImageExts - string, default = jpeg, jpg, png, gif
Used to set the allowed extensions for profile images. -
associateTutor - int, default = null At the creation of the user, set the user (Tutor) as contact of the created use.
defaultPrivateMessage - bool, default = null At the creation of the user, send a private message from the tutor
roleAndAreaOnOrganizations - boolean, default = false
If true, hide roles and areas standard and enable it on the single network organization row. -
roleAndAreaFromOrganizationsWithTypeCat - boolean, default = false
If true, uses "type_cat" field in the roles and areas queries. -
sendUserAssignmentsReportOnDelete - boolean, default = false To enable sending a report via email to all admin users when a user deletes himself or is deleted by another user. The email contains a recap of all assignments of the deleted user inside the app.
enableSendMessage - boolean, default = false
If this is true and $enableUserContacts is false all users see the "send message" button on view icon. -
helpLinkAction - string, default = null
The action to run from backend to go in the technical area section via the email and the private message sent enabling the param above. -
showFacilitatorForModuleSelect - boolean, default = false
Enable modify facilitator -
dontCheckOneTagPresent - boolean, default = false
If true the model validation doesn't check if there's at least one tag present for non ADMIN users. -
enableMultiUsersSameCF - boolean, default = false
If true the model validation doesn't check the unique of che fiscal code. -
enableInviteUserToEvent - boolean, default = false
If true enable a link on single user useful to invite a user to a published event with an event community. -
createContentInMyOwnCommunityOnly - boolean, default = false If true the validate basic user can create contents only in his/her own Communities
actionBlacklistManageInvite - array, default = [] Array used for checking that action controller can use invitation button.
How to use Token groups
First create the token group and the you can use the following functions.
- You can login using the token, using the link /admin/security/login?token=[TOKEN]
- After the login you will be redirected to the url set on the TokenGroup
Get the created group of token (for a model, or model/model_id)
TokenGroup::getTokenGroup($classname, $id = null)
Generate the user tokens for the group using the user_id (array)
Generate a single token using the user_id, @return TokenUsers
$tokenUser = $tokenGroup->generateSingleTokenUser($id)