
Extension to the Codeception toolset for Drupal testing.

1.0.0 2023-05-03 13:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 14:11:10 UTC


Extension to the Codeception toolset for Drupal testing.

Adding to your project

Require oneshoe/drupal-codeception:dev-master.

Configuring Codeception

To add to Codeception, make the following changes to your test suite files. The OSDrupalAcceptance depends on several other modules. These need to be added to the suite explicitly, and in the correct order, or they may not be found yet when they are needed.


        - WebDriver
            # Refer to for
            # configurarion instructions.
            # ...
        - DrupalDrush
        - DrupalAcceptance
        - OSDrupalAcceptance:
              rootUser: [name of the root (uid 1) user]
              rootPassword: [password for that user]


For development you can use Lando. Start Lando with lando start. Then install a development environment by running run lando composer install and lando clean-install. Run the test suite (verifying the Codeception module) using lando codecept (this is just a way to running the regular codecept command within Lando).