
A Laravel package for setting up and interacting with Jenga V3 API.

v1.7.1 2024-04-15 20:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 10:30:16 UTC



Jenga API wrapper for Laravel 9+

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1. Why use this package

  1. To provide a way of generating jenga api access_token after a give period e.g every 15 minutes
  2. To provide a fluent way of generating jenga api key pair of private key and public key
  3. To automate generation of jenga api Bearer Token
  4. Offer a seamless gateway to interacting with Jenga API

Info Ready to get started? I have prepared a playground which you can clone and get started. It will help you test your crendentials while showinf you how to integrate this package with your laravel application.

2. Documentation

2.1 Installation

Use the Composer package manager to install this package into your Laravel project

composer require njoguamos/laravel-jenga

2.2 Update your .env variables

This package assumes that you have a JengaHQ account, and that you have Api Key, Merchant Code and Consumer Secret (from Jenga)(https://developer.jengaapi.io/docs/developer-quickstart).

Copy the respective keys and place them in the .env as show in the example below.


# Optional

Note For JENGA_LIVE_MODE use false when testing and true when running live transactions

2.3 Initialising the Package

You must run install command that will publish the jenga.php config file and create_jenga_tokens migration

php artisan jenga:install

Note For security reasons, access_token and refresh_token will be encrypted using you application key. You can learn more about encryption from Laravel documentation

You can go ahead and migrate the database.

php artisan migrate

2.4 Generating Bearer Token

Once you have valid credentials, run the following command.

php artisan jenga:auth

This command will get an access_token token from Jenga API and add them into a new record on jenga table.

This command may fail:

  • When you are not connected to the internet
  • When Api Key or Consumer Secret or Merchant is/are invalid
  • There is a problem with jenga api endpoint

2.5 Generate Bearer Token Frequently

The generated access_token expires after a particular period usually after one hour. To generate a new access_token automatically, schedule the jenga:auth command in the console kernel. The schedule time should be less than 15 minutes.

// app/Console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    # ...
    $schedule->command(command: 'jenga:auth')->everyThirtyMinutes();

2.6 Clearing Expired Token

To periodically deleted expired Bearer Token, schedule model:prune command in the console kernel.

// app/Console/Kernel.php

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Models\JengaToken;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    # ...
     $schedule->command(command: 'model:prune', parameters: [
        '--model' => [JengaToken::class],

2.7 Generate Private and Public Keys

To generate a key pair of private and public key, run the following command.

php artisan jenga:keys

This command will create a jenga.key and jenga.pub.key file in your laravel application storage folder. You can customise the directory using JENGA_KEYS_PATH variable.

# ./yourapplication/storage/jenga.key

<private key here>
# ./yourapplication/storage/jenga.pub.key

<public key here>
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

You may use --force flag to replace existing keys. The default key size is 4096

Warning The generated keys files SHOULD NEVER be kept in source control. Make sure you add them to you gitignore file.

Note Extensions like bcmath, gmp, libsodium and openssl are required when generating they keys.

2.8 Ensure that you are subscribed to the API services

If you attempt to access the API and you get Not Authorized to access the API, confirm that your account has subscribed to the respective service you are trying to access. You can do so by going to the JengaAPI Settings -> Subscriptions, then subscribe or unsubscribe.

3. Usage

3.1 Generating signature

To generate a signature manually, call `getSignature` method in `JengaSignature` class using the data you want to sign.

Info The data is signed in the order it is passed.

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\JengaSignature;

$data = [
    "accountId"   => "0011547896523",
    "countryCode" => "KE",
    "date"        => "2022-01-01"

$signature = (new JengaSignature(data: $data))->getSignature();
// This will return signature for "0011547896523KE2022-01-01'
// "NCgbapJwPIt+203eyADfPSvPX6uWPPVwMbFdrW+3XoT7oQC2+IaS6srFIGGdMrwrTH ..." 

3.2 Payment Gateway Checkout

To use the payment gateway, prepare the data using the backend and pass to the browser form.
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Models\JengaToken;

return view(view: 'check-out', data: [
    'token' => JengaToken::query()->latest()->first()?->access_token, // Token generated via auth API
    'checkOutUrl' => config(key: 'jenga.checkout'), // Check our url. Don't modify
    'merchantCode' => config(key: 'jenga.merchant'), // The merchant code provided at registration.
    'wallet' => config(key: 'jenga.wallet'), // The wallet to be used for the transaction
    'orderAmount' => '', // The value of the transaction
    'orderReference' => '', // The merchant order reference. Min8 characters and It has to be alphanumeric
    'productType' => '', // Product category
    'productDescription' => '' // A brief summary of the product. Max 200 characters. Alphanumeric only., 
    'customerFirstName' => '', // The customer's First Name
    'customerLastName' => '', // The customer's Last Name
    'customerEmail' => '', // Customer email
    'customerPhone' => '', // Customer phone number e.g 700325008
    'countryCode' => config(key: 'jenga.country'), // Country code
    'customerPostalCodeZip' => '', // Customer’s postal code
    'customerAddress' => '', // Customer’s address
    'callbackUrl' => '' // Merchant callback url
    'extraData' => '', // This data will be echoed back during callback url

Configure your frontend form.

<form id="submitcheckout" action="{{ $checkOutUrl }}" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" id="token" name="token" value="{{ $token }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="merchantCode" name="merchantCode" value="{{ $merchantCode }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="wallet" name="wallet" value="{{ $wallet }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="orderAmount" name="orderAmount" autofocus value="{{ $orderAmount }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="orderReference" name="orderReference" value="{{ $orderReference }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="productType" name="productType" value="{{ $productType }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="productDescription" name="productDescription" value="{{ $productDescription }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerFirstName" name="customerFirstName" value="{{ $customerFirstName }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerLastName" name="customerLastName" value="{{ $customerLastName }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerEmail" name="customerEmail" value="{{ $customerEmail }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerPhone" name="customerPhone" value="{{ $customerPhone }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="countryCode" name="countryCode" value="{{ $countryCode }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerPostalCodeZip" name="customerPostalCodeZip" value="{{ $customerPostalCodeZip }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="customerAddress" name="customerAddress" value="{{ $customerAddress }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="callbackUrl" name="callbackUrl" value="{{ $callbackUrl }}">
    <input type="hidden" id="extraData" name="extraData" value="{{ $extraData }}">

    <button type="submit">Subscribe</button>

A successful response should look like like this.

    "responseStatus": "true",
    "transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "orderReference": "226151",
    "extraData": "pmQgkBuepzSaiNdRh1rghq2ldPzdq0gQ",
    "transactionReference": "RBF2PJILMC",
    "transactionDate": "Wed Feb 15 2023",
    "transactionAmount": "1",
    "transactionCurrency": "KES",
    "message": "Transaction completed successfully",
    "paymentChannel": "MOBILE",
    "orderItems": "undefined",
    "secureResponse": "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"

A customer should also receive an sms like this.

Your transaction of Kshs.  1.00  has successfully been 
credited to Finserve Africa Limited-E Commerce Collection 
Account with Ref. Number  INVDRT and MPESA Tran Ref 
RBF2PJILMC. Thank you

3.3 Account services

  • Account Balance
  • Account MINI Statement
  • Account Full Statement
  • Opening and Closing Account Balance
3.3.5 Account Inquiry - Bank Accounts

To get account details, call the AccountInquiry and pass the account number and country code. If no parameters passed, the default account and country configured in config will be used

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\AccountInquiry;

$search = (new AccountInquiry())
        countryCode: $data['countryCode'],
        accountNumber: $data['accountNumber']

The response should look like this

    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "account": {
            "branchCode": "145",
            "number": "1450160649886",
            "currency": "KES",
            "status": "Active"
        "customer": [
                "name": "CATHERINE MURANDITSI MUKABWA",
                "id": "54307789658",
                "type": "Retail"

3.4 Send money

  • Within Equity Bank
  • To Mobile Wallets
  • Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
  • Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
  • Pesalink - To Bank Account
  • Pesalink - To Mobile Number

3.5 Send money - IMT

  • IMT Within Equity Bank
  • IMT to Mobile Wallets
  • IMT Pesalink - To Bank Account
  • IMT Pesalink - To Bank Mobile

3.6 Receive money

  • Receive Payments - Bill Payments
  • Receive Payments - Merchant Payments
  • Bill Validation

3.6 Receive money queries

  • Get All EazzyPay Merchants
  • Query Transaction Details
  • Get All Billers

3.8 Airtime

  • Purchase Airtime

3.9 Forex rates

Get the Equity Bank daily currency conversion rate for major currencies.
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\ForexExchangeRates;
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Dto\ExchangeRatesDto;

// Convert 1042 USD into KES using Equity Bank Kenya rate.
$data = new ExchangeRatesDto(
    amount: 1042,
    currencyCode: "USD",
    toCurrency: "KES",
    accountNumber: '1450160649886',
    countryCode: 'KE'

$rates = (new ForexExchangeRates())->convert($data);

Example success response

    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
      "convertedAmount": 127749.2,
      "rate": 122.6,
      "fromAmount": 1042,
      "rateCode": "TTB"

Refer to Forex API Reference

Supported currencies

Code Name
KES Kenyan Shilling
YNG Korean Yang
SSP South Sudanese Pound
RWF Rwandan Franc
JPY Japanese Yen
USD US Dollar
GBP British Pound Sterling
EURO European Union (EU)
ZAR South African Rand
RUP Russian Ruble

3.10 ID Search & Verification

Query the various registrar of persons in the various countries in East Africa.
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\IDVerification;
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Dto\IDVerificationDto;

$data = new IDVerificationDto(
    documentNumber: '555555',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    dateOfBirth: '20 June 1985',
    documentType: 'ID',
    countryCode: 'KE',

$search = (new IDVerification())->search($data);

Example success response

    "status": true,
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "identity": {
            "customer": {
                "firstName": "JOHN",
                "lastName": "DOE",
                "occupation": "",
                "gender": "M",
                "nationality": "Kenyan",
                "deathDate": "",
                "fullName": "JOHN JOHN DOE DOE",
                "middlename": "JOHN DOE",
                "ShortName": "JOHN",
                "birthCityName": "",
                "birthDate": "1985-06-20T12:00:00",
                "faceImage": ""
            "documentType": "NATIONAL ID",
            "documentNumber": "555555",
            "documentSerialNumber": "55555555555",
            "documentIssueDate": "2011-12-08T12:00:00",
            "documentExpirationDate": "",
            "IssuedBy": "REPUBLIC OF KENYA",
            "additionalIdentityDetails": [
                    "documentType": "",
                    "documentNumber": "",
                    "issuedBy": ""
            "address": {
                "locationName": "",
                "districtName": "",
                "subLocationName": "",
                "provinceName": "",
                "villageName": ""

Refer to ID Search & Verification API Reference

3.11 MPGS direct integration

  • MPGS Validate Payment
  • MPGS Authenticate Payment
  • MPGS Authorize Payment
  • MPGS Query Payment
  • MPGS Refund Payment

4. Testing

composer test

5. Changelog

Please see RELEASES for more information what has changed recently.

6. Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

7. Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email njoguamos@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.

8. Credits

9. License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.