
A package to easily integrate Google Cloud Translation API with Laravel


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You can install the package via composer:

composer require naimkhalifa/laravel-google-cloud-translation

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NaimKhalifa\GoogleCloudTranslation\GoogleCloudTranslationServiceProvider"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    | Google Cloud Translation API Key
    | Your Google Cloud Translation API Key.
    | You can get it from
    | More info at
    'api_key' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_TRANSLATION_API_KEY'),

    | Default Source Language
    | The default source language to translate from.
    | You can find the list of supported languages here:
    'default_source_language' => 'en',

    | Default Target Language
    | The default target language to translate to.
    | Obviously, it must be different from the default source language.
    'default_target_language' => 'es',

    | Default Format
    | The default format to translate to.
    | Acceptable values are html or text.
    'default_format' => 'text',


GoogleCloudTranslation::translate(string $text, array $options)

Use this method if you want to translate a single text string.

# This would translate using default_source_language 
# and default_target_language config values
GoogleCloudTranslation::translate('Hello World');

# with options
GoogleCloudTranslation::translate('Hello World', [
  'source' => 'en',
  'target' => 'fr',
  'format' => 'text', # or 'html'

GoogleCloudTranslation::translateBatch(array $input, array $options)

Use this method if you want to translate multiple strings at once.

  'Something else',
  'Another string to translate',
  'And a third one because we can'

# You can also pass options to this method
GoogleCloudTranslation::translateBatch('Hello World', [
  'source' => 'en',
  'target' => 'fr',
  'format' => 'text', # or 'html'


Translate language files

This Artisan command allows you to translate strings in a language file using Google Cloud Translation.
The format of the file you want to translate should conform to what you would typically find under Laravel /lang folder.

php artisan google-cloud-translation:translate-lang-file [options]


--source: Specify the source language for translation. (Required)
--target: Specify the target language for translation. (Required)
--file: Specify the path to the language file you want to translate. (Required)
--dryrun: Enable dry run mode, which will display translations without saving them to a file. (Optional, enabled by default)


php artisan google-cloud-translation:translate-lang-file --source=en --target=fr --file=resources/lang/en/messages.php

This is when you're running the command with --dryrun option enabled (by default).
This command will translate all the strings in the messages.php language file from English (en) to French (fr) and display the translations on the terminal.
You then have to confirm with prompt for the translations to be saved to destination file (in this example, that would be resources/lang/fr/messages.php).

Be careful that this will override any existing file that lives at that path! Basically replacing it.

If you want to bypass confirmation and directly write to destination, you can disable dryrun mode (--dryrun=false)

php artisan google-cloud-translation:translate-lang-file --source=en --target=fr --file=resources/lang/en/messages.php --dryrun=false


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.