
async telegram bots library


simple flexible and async library based on amphp for telegram bot api.

NOTE: this is an old project and very poorly written. I wouldn't recommend to use it.


  • run composer require naftali100/async_bot.

getting started


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use bot_lib\Server; 

$server = new Server(""); // create server instance listening to port 8080
$server->load_file("bot.php"); // load the handlers in "bot.php" and store them in "bot.php" path
$server->load_file("bot1.php", "index"); // you can add second param for different path
$server->load_folder("folder", true); // load all files in a folder. the second param is whether to load recursively or not


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use bot_lib\Config;
use bot_lib\Handler;
use bot_lib\Update;
use bot_lib\Filter;

$config = new Config;
$config->load("conf.json"); // can store token
$config->server_url = "http://loadlhost:8081/bot"; // if you using local telegram-bot-api

$handler = new Handler;
    fn(Update $u) => $u->reply("hello"),

set webhook to (or custom name passed in second argument to load_file).

you can add token parameter to the webhook url and the server will set it and use this token.

run php server.php.

a lot more handler, config and server options in examples folder.


there is 5 main objects in the library

  1. Server: extends Loader. load files, running the http-server and activating handlers.
  2. Config: configuration.
  3. Update: extends API and HTTP. contains all the method to send request to bot api.
  4. Handler: create handlers that will run asynchronously.
  5. Filter: static methods to create filters.


the server is loading all of your robots files, take the handlers, and run a server listen to incoming requests. once there is a request to the server, it activates the handlers set in the request path. you can set any request path to any file.


all handlers run asynchronously on every request from the bot. there is a verity of handlers you can set and ways to control how they will activate.

to create handler, simply call the method on Handler instance as handler name you want $handler->handler_name().

you can give it any name you want (except the handler class methods). the name can control when the handler is activating.

handler accepts 4 parameter

  • function (named func): the function to run when handler activated. accept Update instance as parameter.
  • filter: must be callable. if you passed a function, it should receive one argument - Update instance
  • last: if true and handler is activated, the handler will be the last handler to run in current request.
  • name: name of the handler, useful for debugging what handler is activated.

you can pass the arguments by order (function, filter, last, name) or by name

    filter: "blabal", 
    func: fn($u) => $u->reply("bla"),
    last: true,
    name: 'reply bla to blabla'

special handlers names

this list of special handler activated in specific TBD.
  • before: activated before any other handler. can return new array of function to run instead of existing handlers, useful for disabling all of them by returning empty array.
  • middle: run before every handler. accept 2 arguments: Update and $next witch us the function of the handler.
  • after: activates after all handlers finished. useful for cleaning, or writing to db.
  • fallback: activates only if no other handler was activated.
this list of special handler activated in specific update types.
  • on_update: activates on every update. accepts update type/s as filter (message, callback_query, etc).
  • on_message: activates on 'message' updates. accept message/s as filter (/start, menu, word, test, etc).
  • on_edit: activates on 'edited_message' updates. accept new message/s as filter.
  • on_cbq: activates on 'callback_query' updates. accept text to match callback_data as filter.
  • on_file: activates when there is file in the request (no matter what update type). accept file type/s as filter (photo, audio, etc).
  • on_service: activated when update is service message, do not accept string or array filter, only function (string or array will result the handler not activating).


you can config various things see src/config.php file. can be set in json file and load using load method as shown above.


All bot api method and some more in this class. instance of this class is passed to the handlers.

telegram api methods -

Added methods:

  • reply: reply to the message.
  • delete: delete the message.
  • ban: [only in groups and channels] ban the user from chat.
  • leave: leave group or channel.
  • edit: edit the message.
  • forward: forward the message to another chat with credit or as copy.
  • alert: reply to callback_query.
  • download: download media in message.
  • editKeyboard: edit inline keyboard.
  • editButton: edit only one inline button.

Also there is a lot of preset variables to many update parts. see update.php file.


Partial list:

  • chat: the chat where the message sent.
  • from: the user that send the message. same as chat in private message.
  • updateType: the update type (message, callback_query, etc).
  • cb_answered: whether callback_query answered or not. can be used in after handler to answer if not answered.
  • service: if message is service message.
  • media: contain media from message.

you can access the update as object or as array. $u->message->chat->id or $u['message']['chat']['id'].

you can skip the update type (message in above example).

$u->data will be the callback data in callback update. $u->message_id is the message_id.


The Server class extends the Loader. you shouldn't use it directly.

You can load file, folders or Handler.

extra access

File loaded with the ability to change handlers of other bots.

The handlers in file loaded with $this of bot_lib/Server.

The files prop in Server class contain the

  • path
    • file_name
    • handler
    • config

of every file loaded by the server.

Examples what you can do with extra access in examples folder.


contain static helpers functions.

  • keyboard: easily create inline keyboard. see comment how to use.
  • permissions: create ChatPermissions json.


to enable debug logs for the server

use Psr\Log\LogLevel;


to enable logging per bot you can add this to the bot file

use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
