
Generate OTP for your Laravel application

v1.1.0 2022-03-15 16:55 UTC


Generate OTP for your Laravel application

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This package requires Laravel >= 8.x.


  1. Install the package via composer:

    composer require morcen/laravel-otp-generator
  2. Publish the config file with:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag="otp-generator-config"

    Open config/otp.php and update the following:

    • identifier - this is what this package will use to query for the OTP record in the database
    • set - this defines the characters that will be used for the code. Possible values are:
      • numbers - from zero to nine (0 to 9)
      • lowercase - English alphabet from a to z
      • uppercase - English alphabet from A to Z
      • others- defaults to empty string. You can put any other characters you wish to see as part of the OTP code.
      • all - uses all letters and numbers, including the characters in others option. This is the defualt option.
    • lifetime - defines how long the OTP will be valid for. Default is 15 minutes.
    • length - defines the default length of the OTP. Though this can be simply overriden whenever the generate or generateFor methods are called. Default length is 4.
    • encrypt - if set to true, it will have additional property hash in the returned object. If used with generateFor() method, the value that will be saved in the database will be the encrypted value. Available since v1.1.0.
    • alg - This will be the hashing algorithm used for the OTP code. This will only take effect if encrypt is set to true. Valid options are sha1 and md5. Available since v1.1.0.
  3. Publish the migrations with:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag="otp-generator-migrations"

    and update it to include the identifier field mentioned in the previous step. For example, if you have

    'identifier' => 'email'

    in your config/otp.php, you have to add this line in the migration file created:

    Schema::create('otps', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('email');  // <-- this is the line added to match the `identifier`
  4. Run the migrations with:

     php artisan migrate


To generate an OTP that can be validated afterwards, use the method generatedFor(). It accepts two parameters:

  • $identifierValue (required) - the value that will be matched against the identifier
  • $length (optional) - the length of the code to use. If this is not provided, it will use the default length option set in config/otp.php.

For example, we want to create an OTP for the email

use Morcen\LaravelOtpGenerator\Facades\Otp;

$otp = Otp::generateFor('');

$otp receives back the OTP object*, e.g.

    "email": "",
    "code": "028988",
    "hash": "6120a26f84406f452c1b27509505093ba4aa263d",
    "expiration": 1647363156

And then to validate, use the method validateFor, accepting the $identifierValue and the OTP as parameters and returns bool:

Otp::validateFor('', '028988'); // returns `true`

*NOTE: hash property only appears in the OTP object if encrypt is set to true.

To generate and receive an OTP code only:

use Morcen\LaravelOtpGenerator\Facades\Otp;

$otp = Otp::generate();

$otp receives back just the OTP object like this:

    "code": "234198",
    "hash": "858edae3093a5b6f5b7812cff2e2e369da0a2290"

*NOTE: hash property only appears in the OTP object if encrypt is set to true.

To override the default length of the OTP, pass the length as a parameter. For example, to generate an OTP that is 10 characters long:

$otp = Otp::generateFor('', 10); 


$otp = Otp::generate(10); 


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.