
Recaptcha wrapper for Symfony

V1.3 2021-06-30 08:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-08-29 02:51:28 UTC



Extend any form to AbstractRecaptchaType. This requires you to define getExpectedAction(). Return the expected action (for example contact for a contact form).

Next, in the twig template in which your form is being used, include the following:

{% include '@EsitesRecaptcha/recaptcha/recaptcha.html.twig' %}

Finally, install the assets using php bin/console assets:install


When the recaptcha check fails, an error will be added to the form. To display it, use:

{{ form_errors(form) }}

The message is translatable by defining the following in

    recaptcha_failed_to_validate: 'Recaptcha failed!'

Full Configuration

    enable_recaptcha: true   # default value
    recaptcha_key: google_recaptcha_key   # required, the key from the google recaptcha admin dashboard
    recaptcha_secret: google_recaptcha_secret   # required, the secret key from the google recaptcha admin dashboard
    recaptcha_score: 0.5   # default value, the minimum score a visitor has to score to not be flagged as a bot
    expected_hostname:   # not required, the expected hostname in the google recaptcha response
    use_client_ip: true   # default value, also sends the clients ip to verify the recaptcha request

Manually renewing a recaptcha

Select the recaptcha element (the hidden input) you wish the renew and call setRecaptcha();
