
Laravel Currency Converter: Effortlessly convert currencies in your Laravel applications, no API key required. It's fast, easy, and completely free.

1.0.5 2024-04-29 09:06 UTC


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Laravel Currency Converter: Effortlessly convert currencies in your Laravel applications, no API key required. It's fast, easy, and completely free.

📦 Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require mgcodeur/laravel-currency-converter

After Composer has installed the Laravel Currency Converter package, you may run the currency-converter:install Artisan command:

php artisan currency-converter:install

✍🏻 Basic Usage

Convert money from one to another

// convert 10 USD to MGA
$convertedAmount = CurrencyConverter::convert(10)


NB: Don't Forget to import the CurrencyConverter Facades

use Mgcodeur\CurrencyConverter\Facades\CurrencyConverter;

Convert all money from one

You can convert all money from one currency when you don't specify the to method.

// convert 5 EUR to all currencies
$convertedAmount = CurrencyConverter::convert(5)


Get all currencies

To get all currencies, you can use the currencies method.

$currencies = CurrencyConverter::currencies()->get();


Format output result

Instead of using the get method, you can use the format method to format the output result.

// convert 10 USD to EUR and format the result
$convertedAmount = CurrencyConverter::convert(10)
            ->to('EUR') // you don't need to specify the to method if you want to convert all currencies


By default, thousand separator is a comma (,) and decimal separator is a dot (.). You can change these separators in published config file (config/currency-converter.php).
If you open the config file, you will see the following code:

return [
    'currency' => [
        'format' => [
            'decimals' => 2, // change this to 0 if you want result like 1.000, or 3 if you want result like 1.000.000
            'decimal_separator' => ',', // change this to '.' if you want result like 1.000,00, or space if you want result like 1 000,00
            'thousand_separator' => '.', // change this to ',' if you want result like 1,000.00, or '.' if you want result like 1 000.00

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