marcortola / behat-seo-contexts
Behat extension for testing some On-Page SEO factors: meta title/description, canonical, hreflang, meta robots, robots.txt, redirects, sitemap validation, HTML validation, performance...
Installs: 105 136
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 13
Watchers: 3
Forks: 4
Open Issues: 1
- php: >=7.1
- ext-dom: *
- behat/behat: ^3.0
- behat/mink-extension: ^2.0
- matriphe/iso-639: ^1.2
- rexxars/html-validator: ^2.1
- vipnytt/robotstxtparser: ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- behat/mink-browserkit-driver: ^1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver: ^1.0
- behat/symfony2-extension: ^2.0
- phpmd/phpmd: ^2.7
- phpstan/phpstan: ^0.12
- phpstan/phpstan-webmozart-assert: ^0.12.7
- sebastian/phpcpd: ^4.1
- sensiolabs/security-checker: ^6.0
- symplify/easy-coding-standard: ^6.1
- thecodingmachine/phpstan-strict-rules: ^0.12
- webmozart/assert: ^1.9
Behat extension for testing some On-Page SEO factors.
Includes contexts for testing:
- title / meta description
- canonical
- hreflang
- meta robots
- robots.txt
- indexation: tests meta robots + robots.txt + X-Robots-Tag header
- redirects
- sitemap validation (inc. multilanguage)
- HTML validation
- assets performance
- accessibility
- UX
- more...
Basic requirements:
- PHP 7.1+
- Behat 3+
- Mink + Mink extension
How to install it
- Install Composer
- Execute:
$ composer require marcortola/behat-seo-contexts --dev
- Add the Context you need to
# behat.yml default: # ... suites: default: contexts: - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\MetaContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\LocalizationContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\RobotsContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\IndexationContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\RedirectContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\SitemapContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\HTMLContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\PerformanceContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\SocialContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\AccessibilityContext - MarcOrtola\BehatSEOContexts\Context\UXContext
Featured steps
Then the page canonical should not be empty Then the page canonical should be :expectedCanonicalUrl Then the page title should not be empty Then the page title should be :expectedTitle Then the page meta description should not be empty Then the page meta description should be :expectedMetaDescription Then the page meta robots should be noindex Then the page meta robots should not be noindex
Then the page hreflang markup should be valid
Given I am a :crawlerUserAgent crawler Then I should not be able to crawl :resource Then I should be able to crawl :resource Then I should be able to get the sitemap URL
Then the page should be indexable Then the page should not be indexable
Given I follow redirects Given I do not follow redirects Then I should be redirected to :url
Given the sitemap :sitemapUrl Then the sitemap should be valid Then the index sitemap should be valid Then the multilanguage sitemap should be valid Then the index sitemap should have a child with URL :childSitemapUrl Then /^the sitemap should have ([0-9]+) children$/ Then the multilanguage sitemap should pass Google validation Then the sitemap URLs should be alive Then /^(\d+) random sitemap URLs? should be alive$/
Then the page HTML markup should be valid Then /^the page HTML5 doctype declaration should (not |)be valid$
Then /^browser cache should be enabled for (.+\..+|external|internal) (png|jpeg|gif|ico|js|css) resources$/ Then /^Javascript code should load (async|defer)$/ Then HTML code should be minified Then CSS code should be minified Then Javascript code should be minified Then CSS code should load deferred Then critical CSS code should exist in head
Then /^the (Twitter|Facebook) Open Graph data should satisfy (minimum|full) requirements$/
Then the images should have alt text
Then the site should be responsive Then the site should not be responsive
This library is self-tested, and you can find examples inside the features directory. Feel free to explore it to discover each step definition.
Useful tips
- Use Symfony KernelDriver for improving the performance if you are working in a Symfony project.