
1.1.0 2024-03-27 11:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 16:35:33 UTC


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Laravel Model Expires

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With this package you can add expiration date to any model and exclude expired models from queries. When needed, you could send a notification for expiring models. You can also set a deletion date for every model and automatically clean them up with a command.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require maize-tech/laravel-model-expires

You can publish the config and migration files and run the migrations with:

php artisan model-expires:install

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    | Expiration model
    | Here you may specify the fully qualified class name of the expiration model.

    'expiration_model' => Maize\ModelExpires\Models\Expiration::class,

    'model' => [

        | Expires after days
        | Here you may specify the default amount of days after which a model
        | should expire.
        | If null, all newly created models won't have a default expiration date.

        'expires_after_days' => null,

        | Deletes after days
        | Here you may specify the default amount of days after which a model
        | should be deleted.
        | If null, all newly created models won't have a default deletion date.

        'deletes_after_days' => null,

    'expiring_notification' => [

        | Enable expiring notification
        | Here you may specify whether you want to enable model expiring
        | notifications or not.

        'enabled' => true,

        | Notification class
        | Here you may specify the fully qualified class name of the default notification.
        | If null, no notifications will be sent.

        'notification' => Maize\ModelExpires\Notifications\ModelExpiringNotification::class,

        | Notifiable emails
        | Here you may specify the default list of notifiable email addresses.

        'notifiables' => [



To use the package, add the Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration trait to all models you want to have an expiration date:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration;

class User extends Model
    use HasExpiration;

That's it! All you have to do from now on is calling the setExpiresAt method every time you want to set an expiration and/or deletion date:

$user = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->addDays(5),
    deletesAt: now()->addDays(10),
); // user will have both an expiration and deletion date

$user = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->addDays(5)
); // user will have an expiration date but will not be deleted

Checking expiration and deletion days left

You can also check whether a model is expired and calculate the amount of days before its expiration (or deletion):

$user = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->addDays(5),
    deletesAt: now()->addDays(10),

$user->isExpired(); // returns false

$user->getDaysLeftToExpiration(); // returns 5
$user->getDaysLeftToDeletion(); // returns 10

$user = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->subDay()

$user->isExpired(); // returns true

$user->getDaysLeftToExpiration(); // returns 0, as the model is already expired
$user->getDaysLeftToDeletion(); // returns null, as model does not have a deletion date

Excluding expired models

When you want to exclude expired models, all you have to do is use the withoutExpired scope method:

$user = User::create([]); // user does not have an expiration date
$expiredUser = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->subDay(),
); // user is already expired

User::withoutExpired()->count(); // returns 1, which is the $user model
User::withoutExpired()->get(); // returns the $user model

Retrieving only expired models

When you want to retrieve expired models, all you have to do is use the onlyExpired scope method:

$user = User::create([]); // user does not have an expiration date
$expiredUser = User::create([])->setExpiresAt(
    expiresAt: now()->subDay(),
); // user is already expired

User::onlyExpired()->count() // returns 1, which is the $expiredUser model
User::onlyExpired()->get(); // returns the $expiredUser model

Default expiration date

If you wish, you can define a default expiration date. This can be done in two ways.

First, you can set a value for expires_after_days property under config/model-expires.php config file. When set, all models including the Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration trait will automatically have an expiration date upon its creation:

config()->set('model-expires.model.expires_after_days', 5);

$user = User::create([]);
$user->getDaysLeftToExpiration(); // returns 5

The second way is overriding the defaultExpiresAt method within all models you want to have a default expiration date:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration;

class User extends Model
    use HasExpiration;
    protected static function defaultExpiresAt(): ?Carbon
        return now()->addDays(10); // all user models will expire 10 days after being created

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration;

class Tenant extends Model
    use HasExpiration;
    protected static function defaultExpiresAt(): ?Carbon
        return now()->addMonth(); // all tenant models will expire 1 month after being created

Default deletion date

If you wish, you can define a default deletion date. This can be done in two ways.

First, you can set a value for deletes_after_days property under config/model-expires.php config file. When set, all models including the Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration trait will automatically have a deletion date upon its creation:

config()->set('model-expires.model.deletes_after_days', 5);

$user = User::create([]);
$user->getDaysLeftToDeletion(); // returns 5

The second way is overriding the defaultDeletesAt method within all models you want to have a default deletion date:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration;

class User extends Model
    use HasExpiration;
    protected static function defaultDeletesAt(): ?Carbon
        return now()->addDays(10); // all user models will be deleted 10 days after being created

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Maize\ModelExpires\HasExpiration;

class Tenant extends Model
    use HasExpiration;
    protected static function defaultDeletesAt(): ?Carbon
        return now()->addMonth(); // all tenant models will be deleted 1 month after being created

Scheduling expiration check

The package comes with the expires:check command, which automatically fires a ModelExpiring event for all expiring models.

To do so, you should define how often you want to fire the event. All you have to do is overriding the fireExpiringEventBeforeDays for all models using the HasExpiration trait:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasExpiration;

    public static function fireExpiringEventBeforeDays(): array
        return [5, 10]; // expiring events will be fired 5 and 10 days before each model's expiration

By default, the method returns an empty array, meaning models will never fire expiring events.

Once done, you can schedule the command on a daily basis using the schedule method of the console kernel (usually located under the App\Console directory):

use Maize\ModelExpires\Commands\ModelExpiresDeleteCommand;


Scheduling models deletion

The package also comes with the expires:delete command, which automatically deletes all expired and deletable models. This comes pretty useful when automatizing its execution using Laravel's scheduling. All you have to do is add the following instruction to the schedule method of the console kernel (usually located under the App\Console directory):

use Maize\ModelExpires\Commands\ModelExpiresDeleteCommand;



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.