
Send any exception to an email

1.0.2 2025-01-20 13:07 UTC


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This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require lobotomised/laravel-mailable-exception

Modifier App\Exceptions\Handler;

    public function register(): void
        $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {
            (new LaravelMailableException)->toMail($e);

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-mailable-exception-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'from' => [
        'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'hello@example.com'),
        'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Example'),
    'to' => [
        'address' => 'your@example.com',
    'subject' => 'An exception has occurred',
    'allowed_environments' => ['production'],

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-mailable-exception-views"


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.