
A test project assigned to Dylan Johnson

Installs: 7

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-master / 2.3.x-dev 2013-09-19 18:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 12:44:49 UTC


The following requirements should be met by this repository:

  1. Use the Symfony2 Standard edition, but replace Doctrine with Propel ORM
  2. Specify user roles as defined by Peter Kartawidjaja.
  3. Upon login, redirect users to a page specific to their roles
  4. Prevent unauthorized access to role pages


  1. Packagist/Composer: this project can be installed by running php composer.phar create-project -s dev lgstest/dylanstest /path/to/root
  2. Download: simply click the download button at the top of the repository.


  1. If you downloaded the repo instead of using Composer, install requirements: php composer.phar install
  2. Check configuration: change the mysql user/password to appropriate settings for your system. DO NOT change the secret, as it will cause the Propel Fixtures to break.
  3. Move into the root cd /path/to/root
  4. IMPORTANT: To allow the Propel Fixtures to load, because they do not support classes, you need to edit the schema in the FOSUserBundle. Go to /root/vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/FOS/UserBundle/Resources/config/propel/schema.xml and add last_login after password_requested_at on line 37. (I know this is a hack; c'mon, I only worked for a couple hours on it)
  5. Build the models: php app/console propel:build
  6. Build the SQL: php app/console propel:sql:build
  7. Create Database: php app/console propel:database:create
  8. Insert the tables: php app/console propel:sql:insert --force
  9. Install fixtures: php app/console propel:fixtures:load
  10. Refer to email from Dylan about usernames and passwords for various roles.