
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Symfony JWT authentication with support for asymmetric keys and externally loaded secrets

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Open Issues: 6


v1.0.3 2018-04-10 18:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-15 08:27:30 UTC


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Integrate JWT API tokens for authentication.

Go to the release page to find details about the latest release.

For an example see swagger-bundle-example.

NOTE: Looking for PHP <7.0 and Symfony <2.8.7 support? Use a 0.x version.


Install using composer (composer require kleijnweb/jwt-bundle). You want to check out the release page to ensure you are getting what you want and optionally verify your download.


The token is validated using standard (reserved) JWT claims:

Name Type Description
exp int [1] Expiration time must be omitted [3] or be smaller than time() + leeway [2].
nbf int [1] "Not before", token validity start time, must be omitted [3] or greater than or equal to time() - leeway [2].
iat int [1] The time the token was issued, must be omitted [3] or smaller than configured minIssueTime + leeway. Required when minIssueTime configured.
iss string Issuer of the token, must match configured issuer. Required when issuer configured.
aud string JWT "audience", must be omitted [3] or match configured audience if configured. Required when audience configured.
sub string JWT "subject". Used as username for Symfony Security integration. Always required (or its alias), without it the "Resource Owner cannot be identified.
prn string JWT "principle". Deprecated alias for sub, used in older versions of the JWT RFC.
jti string JWT "ID". Not used, will be ignored.
typ string Not used, will be ignored.
  • [1] Unix time
  • [2] The leeway allows a difference in seconds between the issuer of the token and the server running your app with JwtBundle. Keep at a low number, defaults to 0.
  • [3] Mark any claim required, including custom (non-reserved) ones, using the require configuration option.

All other claims encountered are ignored. The JWT header is checked for kid (see below) and alg, which must match the type value of the key configuration.


The authenticator supports multiple keys, and allows all options to be configured per kid (key ID, which must be included in the JWT header when more than 1 key is configured):

      keyOne: # Only one key, 'kid' is optional (but must match when provided)
        issuer: http://api.server.com/oauth2/token # OAuth2 example, but could be any string value
        audience: ~ # NULL, accept any
        minIssueTime: 1442132949 # Reject 'old' tokens, regardless of 'exp'
        require: [nbf, exp, my-claim] # Mark claims as required
        leeway: 5 # Allow 5 seconds of time de-synchronization (both ways) between this server and api.server.com

JwtBundle and the issuer must share a secret in order for JwtBundle to be able to verify tokens. You can choose between a pre shared key (PSK) or asymmetric keys.

      keyOne: # Must match 'kid'
        issuer: http://api.server1.com/oauth2/token
        secret: 'A Pre-Shared Key'
        # type:  Defaults to HS256 (HMACSHA256). All options: HS256, HS512, RS256 and RS512
      keyTwo: # Must match 'kid'
        issuer: http://api.server2.com/oauth2/token
        type: RS256 # RSA SHA256, needed for asymmetric keys
        secret: |
                -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
                -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

To use asymmetric keys, type MUST be set to RS256 or RS512. The secret in this case is the public key of the issuer.

Loading Secrets From An External Source

Instead of configuring secrets statically, they can also be loaded dynamically, using any data available in the JWT token. Example configuration:

    keyThree: # Must match 'kid'
      issuer: http://api.server1.com/oauth2/token
      loader: 'my.loader.di.key'

The loader must implement KleijnWeb\JwtBundle\Authenticator\SecretLoader. A simple example that loads the secret from an ambiguous data store:

use KleijnWeb\JwtBundle\Authenticator\JwtToken;
use KleijnWeb\JwtBundle\Authenticator\SecretLoader;

class SimpleSecretLoader implements SecretLoader
     * @var DataStore
    private $store;

     * @param DataStore $store
    public function __construct(DataStore $store)
        $this->store = $store;

     * @param JwtToken $token
     * @return string
    public function load(JwtToken $token)
        return $this->store->loadSecretByUsername($token->getClaims()['sub']);

You could use any information available in the token, such as the kid, alg or any custom claims. You cannot configure both secret and loader. Be sure to throw an AuthenticationException when appropriate (eg missing claims needed for loading secret).

Integration Into Symfony Security


      stateless: true
        header: X-Header-Name # Defaults to "Authorization", in which case encountered "Bearer" prefixes are stripped
        provider: jwt

      id: jwt.user_provider

Using the bundled user provider is optional. This will produce user objects from the token data alone with roles produced from the aud claim (and IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY whether aud was set or not).

Assigning audience to user roles using an alternate UserProvider

JwtBundle can assign the audience claims in the JwtToken to the User objects user roles properties. Ideally, this is done in the UserProvider, so that the groups cannot be modified.

If this is an acceptable risk, you do not want to use JwtUser/JwtUserProvider, but do want JwtBundle to copy aud claims to user roles, you can have your User class implement the KleijnWeb\JwtBundle\User\UnsafeGroupsUserInterface interface, and JwtBundle will add the roles after the user is loaded from the provider. This behavior may be removed in future versions.

NOTE: This function only copies the the roles from the token.

Issuing Token

Issuing tokens is currently limited to HS256. To create a token string:

$token = new JwtToken([
    'header' => [
        'alg' => 'HS256',
        'typ' => 'JWT',
        'kid' => 'Optional Key ID'
    'claims' => [ /*  Array of claims */ ],
    'secret' => 'Your Secret'



KleijnWeb\JwtBundle is made available under the terms of the LGPL, version 3.0.