
Startup template for Drupal 8 projects.

Installs: 8

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 9

Forks: 0


1.1.0 2019-02-20 11:04 UTC


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Codeship Status for inviqa/drupal-startup

Drupal 8 / Lando flavoured project template

This project should be used as a skeleton starting point for new Drupal 8 based projects. As such some assumptions and opinionated decisions are included to bootstrap a project with everything you might need to get started!

...delete as appropriate!

Start me up

Start-up your newproject in the current directory using composer:

composer create-project --no-install -s dev inviqa/drupal-startup newproject

Update the .gitignore in the project root

Project structure

The tree below outlines the project structure and purpose.

├── conf # container related config (eg. solr)
├── config
|   └── sync # Drupal config files
├── doc # Project related documentation
├── docroot
|   ├── modules
|   |   └── custom # Custom modules
|   ├── profiles
|   |   └── custom # Custom install profiles
|   ├── sites
|   |   └── default # Default site settings
|   └── themes
|       └── custom # Custom themes
├── scripts
|   ├── deployment # Shell scripts for deployment
|   ├── development # Shell scripts for local dev
|   └── # Shared scripts for all environments
└── test
    └── behat # Behat tests

Development Environment


  1. Install Docker-for-mac
  2. Install Lando.

Note: Compatible with v3.0.0-rc1 and below


Run lando start from within the project directory.


Command Description
lando install Install Drupal site
lando reset Reset codebase removing generated code and lock file
lando refresh Refresh your project (clear cache, import config etc...)
lando composer {install}, {require} etc. Run composer commands in the appserver container
lando drush {cr}, {site-install} etc. Run drush commands in the appserver container
lando phpcs Run code style analysis see ./phpcs.xml.dist for scope
lando phpunit Run phpunit tests see ./phpunit.xml.dist for scope
lando behat Run behat test suite
lando test Run all tests and code evaluation
lando npm Run NPM commands

For further lando related commands see: