
Manage tasks workflows through Laravel Pipes

2.6.1 2024-12-09 04:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-09 04:43:00 UTC


Manage tasks workflows through Laravel Pipes.


A process defines the order of tasks executed through a pipe.

Each process is associated with a payload. Payload is a mutable object passed to each task to retrieve, add, or update data.

Each steps of a process can be loggued through Spatie laravel-activitylog.

You can use external tasks inside a process with the Resumable feature.


Install the package via composer:

composer require ibrostudio/laravel-piped-tasks

Then create the tables:

php artisan piped-tasks:install


1. Create process

First you need to generate a process:

php artisan make:piped-process CreateOrderProcess

Name your process like this : <Action><Domain>Process

Note: It is possible to generate processes and tasks for a package.

2. Define Payload

You'll find the associated payload to your process in App\Processes\Payloads and its interface in App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts.

Add properties and methods according to your workflow:


namespace App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts;

use App\Models\Cart;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;

interface TenantPayload
    public function getCart(): Cart;
    public function setOrder(Order $order): void;

    public function getOrder(): Order|null;
    public function setPayment(Payment $payment): void;

    public function getPayment(): Payment|null;
    public function setInvoice(Invoice $invoice): void;

    public function getInvoice(): Invoice|null


namespace App\Processes\Payloads;

use App\Models\Cart;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\PayloadAbstract;

final class CreateOrderPayload extends PayloadAbstract implements OrderPayload
  public function __construct(
    protected Cart $cart,
    protected ?Order $order = null,
    protected ?Payment $payment = null,
    protected ?Invoice $invoice = null,
  public function getCart(): Cart
    return $this->cart;
  public function setOrder(Order $order): void
    $this->order = $order;

  public function getOrder(): Order|null
    return $this->order;
  public function setPayment(Payment $payment): void
    $this->payment = $payment;

  public function getPayment(): Payment|null
    return $this->payment;
  public function setInvoice(Invoice $invoice): void
    $this->invoice = $invoice;

  public function getInvoice(): Invoice|null
    return $this->invoice;

For reusability, methods can be shared by payloads by placing them in traits:


namespace App\Processes\Payloads\Concerns;

use App\Models\Cart;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;

trait OrderPayloadMethods
    public function getCart(): Cart
    return $this->cart;
  public function setOrder(Order $order): void
    $this->order = $order;

  public function getOrder(): Order|null
    return $this->order;

namespace App\Processes\Payloads;

use App\Processes\Payloads\Concerns\OrderPayloadMethods;
use App\Models\Cart;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\PayloadAbstract;

final class CreateOrderPayload extends PayloadAbstract implements OrderPayload
    use OrderPayloadMethods;
    public function __construct(
    protected Cart $cart,
    protected ?Order $order = null,
    protected ?Payment $payment = null,
    protected ?Invoice $invoice = null,


namespace App\Processes\Payloads;

use App\Processes\Payloads\Concerns\OrderPayloadMethods;
use App\Models\Cart;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\PayloadAbstract;

final class RebillOrderPayload extends PayloadAbstract implements OrderPayload
    use OrderPayloadMethods;
    public function __construct(
    protected Order $order,
    protected ?Payment $payment = null,
    protected ?Invoice $invoice = null,

3. Create tasks

Generate your tasks with this command:

php artisan make:piped-task MakePaymentTask

Name your process like this : <Action><Domain>Task

For convenience and reusability, tasks use actions (from Spatie's Laravel Queuable Action):


namespace App\Processes\Tasks;

use App\Actions\MakePaymentAction;
use App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts\OrderPayload;
use IBroStudio\User\Actions\CreateUserAction;
use IBroStudio\User\Processes\Payloads\Contracts\UserPayload;
use Closure;

final readonly class MakePaymentTask
    public function __construct(
        private MakePaymentAction $action,
    ) {}

    public function __invoke(OrderPayload $payload, Closure $next): mixed

        return $next($payload);


namespace App\Actions;

use App\Models\Order;
use App\Models\Payment;
use Spatie\QueueableAction\QueueableAction;

final class MakePaymentAction
    use QueueableAction;

    public function execute(Order $order): Payment
        $payment = 'Process payment and return model';
        return $payment;

4. Add tasks to the process

Under the hood, process uses Michael Rubel's Laravel Enhanced Pipeline and supports all features from it like DB transaction or events:


namespace App\Processes;

use App\Processes\Tasks;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\Models\Process;

class CreateOrderProcess extends Process
    protected array $tasks = [

5. Execute process


use App\Processes\CreateOrderProcess;
use App\Processes\Payloads\CreateOrderPayload;

$process = CreateOrderProcess::process(['cart' => $cart]);

Argument passed to the process static method is an array used to build the Payload.

Processable models

You can link processes to any Eloquent model implementing the Processable interface and using the IsProcessable trait:


namespace App\Models;

use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\Concerns\IsProcessable;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\Contracts\Processable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Cart extends Model implements Processable
    use IsProcessable;

It allows to call process from the model:



And permits to access to the model in tasks:


namespace App\Processes\Tasks;

use App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts\OrderPayload;
use Closure;

class CreateOrderTask
    public function __invoke(OrderPayload $payload, Closure $next): mixed
        $cart = $payload->getProcess()->processable;

        return $next($payload);

Adding processable during process

If the processable model is created during a process, you can assign it to the process in a task:


use App\Models\Order;
use App\Processes\CreateOrderProcess;


namespace App\Processes\Tasks;

use App\Models\Order;
use App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts\OrderPayload;
use Closure;

class CreateOrderTask
    public function __invoke(OrderPayload $payload, Closure $next): mixed

        return $next($payload);

Pause and resume processes

Sometimes an external task needs to be performed to complete a process. You can include it in your workflow by using PauseProcess and the resumeUrl:

  1. Define a task in your process where you want to make your external call :

namespace App\Processes\Tasks;

use App\Models\Order;use App\Processes\Payloads\Contracts\MyProcessPayload;use Closure;use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\Exceptions\PauseProcessException;

class CallExternalTask
    public function __invoke(MyProcessPayload $payload, Closure $next): mixed
        // Here call your external service allowing to include a webhook url  
        // Webhook url to use to resume the process can be retrieved with $payload->getProcess()->resumeUrl()

        return new PauseProcessException;

The $process->resumeUrl() method returns a Laravel signed url.

Process within process

A process can be added as a task if it shares the same payload base.

Process logs

To enable process logs, set log_processes key to true in config/piped-tasks.php.

Spatie laravel-activitylog methods are available to retrieve logs:


use Spatie\Activitylog\Models\Activity;

$log = Activity::all()->last();

$logs = Activity::inLog('process-name')->get();

By default, the Process name is used to name the log but you can customize it by adding $logName property to the Process:


namespace App\Processes;

use App\Processes\Tasks;
use IBroStudio\PipedTasks\Models\Process;

class CreateOrderProcess extends Process
    public static ?string $logName = 'orders';

Append / prepend tasks

Via the tasks array in the config file piped-tasks.php, it is possible to add tasks to a process. It allows you to dynamically modify a process using to the Config::set() method:

First, publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=piped-tasks

Add your process class and append or prepend your(s) task(s) class(es):



return [

    'tasks' => [

        Process::class => [
            'prepend' => [
            'append' => [


Skip task, abort process

To skip a task and keep the process running, use SkipTaskException.

To abort a process, use AbortProcessException.


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.