
Symfony bundle to ask the visitors for their consent to use cookies to comply to AVG/GDPR.

Installs: 4

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 0

Forks: 9


dev-main 2024-02-18 16:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 18:51:19 UTC


Symfony bundle to integrate a cookie consent dialog to your website and to handle cookies according to AVG/GDPR.


Step 1: Download using composer

In a Symfony application run this command to install and integrate Cookie Consent bundle in your application:

composer require huppys/cookie-consent-bundle

Step 2: Enable the bundle

When not using Symfony Flex, enable the bundle manually:

In AppKernel.php add the following line to the registerBundles() method:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new huppys\CookieConsentBundle\CookieConsentBundle(),
        // ...

or in config/bundles.php add the following line to the array:


return [
    // ...
    huppys\CookieConsentBundle\CookieConsentBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Step 3: Enable the routing

When not using Symfony Flex, enable the bundles routing manually by adding the following lines to your config/routing.yml:

    resource: "@CookieConsentBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

Step 4: Configure to your needs

By default, the most secure options are enabled. You can change the config in config/packages/cookie_consent.yaml:

    name_prefix: '' # string, any string you like to prefix the cookie names with
        http_only: true # boolean, refer to mdn docs for more info
        secure: true # boolean, enable or disable transport only over https
        same_site: 'lax' # available values: 'strict', 'lax', 'none'
        expires: 'P180D' # available values: PHP formatted date string, 'P180D' (180 days), 'P1Y' (1 year) etc.
        http_only: true
        secure: true
        same_site: 'lax'
        expires: 'P180D'
        http_only: true
        secure: true
        same_site: 'lax'
        expires: 'P180D'
  consent_categories: # Below are the default supported categories
    - 'analytics'
    - 'tracking'
    - 'marketing'
    - 'social_media'
  theme: 'light' # available values: 'light', 'dark'
  persist_consent: true # boolean; logs user actions to database
  position: 'top' # available values: 'top', 'bottom', 'dialog'
  form_action: $routeName # When set, xhr-Requests will only be sent to this route. Take care of having the route available.
  csrf_protection: true # boolean; enable or disable csrf protection for the form


Twig implementation

Load the cookie consent in Twig via render_esi ( to prevent caching ) at any place you like:

{{ render_esi(path('')) }}
{{ render_esi(path('cookie_consent.show_if_cookie_consent_not_set')) }}

If you want to load the cookie consent with a specific locale you can pass the locale as a parameter:

{{ render_esi(path('', { 'locale' : 'en' })) }}
{{ render_esi(path('cookie_consent.show_if_cookie_consent_not_set', { 'locale' : app.request.locale })) }}


When a user submits the form the preferences are saved as cookies. The cookies have a lifetime of 180 days. The following cookies are saved:

  • consent: date of submit
  • consent-key: Generated key as identifier to the submitted Cookie Consent of the user
  • consent-category-[CATEGORY]: selected value of user (true or false)

In case the user rejects to usage of cookies, only the cookie named consent is saved with the current date as value.


AVG/GDPR requires all given cookie preferences of users to be explainable by the webmasters. For this we log all cookie preferences to the database. IP addresses are anonymized. You can disable logging the given consent by setting persist_consent to false.

Database logging


This bundle comes with two themes: light and dark. You can change the theme in the config. The default theme is light. Dark Theme Light Theme


The following TwigExtension functions are available:

cookieconsent_isCategoryAllowedByUser Check if user has given its permission for certain cookie categories.

{% if cookieconsent_isCategoryAllowedByUser('analytics') == true %}
{% endif %}

cookieconsent_isCookieConsentSavedByUser Check if user has saved any cookie preferences. This will default to true even when the user chose to reject all cookies.

{% if cookieconsent_isCookieConsentSavedByUser() == true %}
{% endif %}

cookieconsent_getTheme Determine the current value of the chosen theme.

{% if cookieconsent_getTheme() == 'light' %}
{% endif %}



You can add or remove any category by changing the configuration option consent_categories and making sure there are translations available for these categories.


All texts can be altered via Symfony translations by overwriting the CookieConsentBundle translation files. Take a look at Resources/translations into any of the yaml files to get an idea of the structure.


CookieConsentBundle comes with a default styling. A sass file is available in Resources/assets/css/cookie_consent.scss and a build css file is available in Resources/public/css/cookie_consent.css. Colors can easily be adjusted by setting the variables available in the sass file.

To install these assets run:

bin/console assets:install

And include the styling in your template:

{% include "@CookieConsent/cookie_consent_styling.html.twig" %}


By loading Resources/public/js/cookie-consent.js the cookie consent will be submitted via ajax and the cookie consent will be shown on top of your website while pushing down the rest of the website.


When a form button is clicked, the event of cookie-consent-form-submit-successful is created. Use the following code to listen to the event and add your custom functionality.

document.addEventListener('cookie-consent-form-submit-successful', function (e) {
    // ... your functionality
    // ... e.detail is available to see which button is clicked.
}, false);

Template Themes

You can override the templates by placing templates inside your project:

Form Themes

This bundle comes with a default theme. To use this particular theme, please add the following line to your config/packages/twig.yaml:

      - '@CookieConsent/form/cookie_consent_form_theme.html.twig'

To use a different form theme from symfony/form bundle, stick to the Symfony documentation about rendering forms. Remember to load the scripts and styles that belong to the theme.

Define your own form template

Create a file: templates/bundles/CookieConsentBundle/cookie_consent.html.twig and insert the following code:

# app/templates/bundles/CookieConsentBundle/cookie_consent.html.twig
{% extends '@!CookieConsent/cookie_consent.html.twig' %} # or whatever form theme you like

{% block title %}
    Your custom title
{% endblock %}

{% block required_cookies_category %}
    {# let's hide this block #}
{% endblock required_cookies_category %}


Error 500 after submitting the form

If you get an error 500 after submitting the form, make sure you have the route available for the configuration option form_action.