
Generate skeleton functional test for symfony2 bundle

0.5 2016-01-06 11:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:04:33 UTC


Build Status SensioLabsInsight

Lead Developer : @huitiemesens

function-generate-bundle allows you to easily generate skeleton for your functional tests.

Currently supported :

  • Authentification :
    • You can add authentication to your tests to get access to secured routes. (Check step 6 below)
    • This bundle require "liip/functional-test-bundle" to provide authenticated client
  • Fixtures : This bundle require
  • Route : Any routes that fits the Bundle:Controller:actionName format

Future releases : (feel free to PR if you want to help)

  • Route : default variable for routes
  • POST Form : Generate form based on annotations for given route
  • More Basic Tests : Currently the skeleton generates tests with isSuccessful() asset only. I'd like to propose more options to get more basic tests.


  1. Download via composer the bundle

    composer require huitiemesens/functionalTestGeneratorBundle
  2. Add the bundle to your AppKernel.php under your dev/test environnement

    new huitiemesens\FunctionalTestGeneratorBundle\FunctionalTestGeneratorBundle(),
  3. call the command from your console. Example to generate all tests for controller inside your blogBundle :

    php app/console tests:generate acme:BlogBundle
  4. Confirm for each controller inside BlogBundle to generate tests.

  5. You can add fixtures to your tests. Go to your freshly SetUpFunctionalTest.php ( inside newly created Tests yourBundle ) and go to executesFixtures() function. You can add you declared fixtures inside the getFixtures->() line 192. Array is expected.

  6. An authentication credentials is expected: Put unit_test_password and unit_test_email values in your parameters.yml to allow authentication to your tests.


This bundle is available under the MIT license.