
Fetches the latest list of Top Level Domains from IANA, plus Laravel validation service extensions for validating TLDs

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1.10.1 2022-08-11 07:42 UTC

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Last update: 2024-02-11 10:37:57 UTC


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This package provides a mechanism for retrieving a list of the current Top Level Domains (TLDs) managed by IANA. It also provides several extensions to the Laravel validation service to validate domain names and TLDs.

By Simon Hampel.


The recommended way of installing the Tlds package is through Composer:

composer require "hampel/tlds"

Or manually define it in your composer.json

    "require": {
        "hampel/tlds": "^1.6"

Then run Composer to update the new requirement.

$ composer update

This package implements Laravel package discovery, so you should not have to add the service providers or aliases to the application configuration. If you decide to disable package discovery - you must manually add the following:

Open your Laravel config file config/app.php and add the following service providers in the $providers array, if they don't already exist:

"providers" => [




You may also optionally add an alias entry to the $aliases array in the same file for the Tlds facade:

"aliases" => [


	'Tlds'			  => Hampel\Tlds\Facades\Tlds::class,

If you want to change the default Tlds configuration, first publish it using the command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hampel\Tlds\TldServiceProvider"

The config files can then be found in config/tlds.php.


Upgrading to v1.5

Note that some config options have changed - if you have published the config file, please compare with the version supplied with the package and adjust the published file as necessary.

Upgrading to v1.6 (Laravel v5.8)

In line with changes made in Laravel v5.8, cache expiry times are now specified in seconds rather than minutes. Be sure to adjust the value of tlds.cache.expiry to suit.


Refer to the configuration file for more details about configuration options.

tlds.cache.expiry - sets the cache expiry time in seconds

tlds.cache.key - sets the key used to store the TLD data in the cache

tlds.source - set this to 'url' to retrieve the data from a website (eg IANA), set it to 'filesystem' to retrieve the data from a local source (you'll need to configure a Laravel filesystem 'disk' to make this work).

tlds.url - if source is set to 'url', enter the URL to retrieve the data from. By default this is set to the IANA source file

tlds.disk - if source is set to 'filesystem', enter the name of the Laravel filesystem disk you have configured in the 'filesystems.disks' configuration option

tlds.path - if source is set to 'filesystem', enter the path to the data file relative to the root path configured for the disk in the 'fileystems.disks' configuration option (eg. 'tlds/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt')


The Tlds package provides a simple mechanism for reading a data file containing a list of Top Level Domains, one per line and returning an array of data. This data may optionally be cached for performance.

The data file can be retrieved directly from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, using Guzzle, or if you have a different source or prefer to fetch the data file yourself and then read it from a local source you can reconfigure the Tlds package to read the data file from any Laravel supported filesystem (using Flysystem).

There is also an artisan command available which can be used to fetch the latest data file to refresh the cache. This is ideal for automating the retrieval of data using a cron job or similar.

The simplest way to call the package is using the Facade:

// get a "fresh" copy of the TLD list
$tld_array = Tlds::fresh();

// or if you prefer to not use Facades:
$tld_array = $app->make(Hampel\Tlds\Tlds::class)->fresh();

This returns a "fresh" copy of the data (bypassing the cache) as an array of TLDs.

To fetch the TLD array from the cache or have it update automatically if the cached data has expired

// get the TLD list from the cache (or update the cache if it has expired)
$tld_array = Tlds::get();

// if you prefer to manage the cache yourself, you can do this all manually, for example:
if (Cache::has(Config::get('tlds.cache.key'))
	$tld_array = Cache::get(Config::get('tlds.cache.key'));
	Cache::put(Config::get('tlds.cache.key'), Tlds::fresh(), Config::get('tlds.cache.expiry'));

To run the artisan console command to update the cache:

$ php artisan tld:update
Added 725 TLDs to the TLD Cache


This package adds additional validators for Laravel - refer to Laravel Documentation - Validation for general usage instructions.


The field under validation must be a valid domain name. The Top Level Domain (TLD) is checked against a list of all acceptable TLDs, including internationalised domains in punycode notation


The field under validation must be a valid domain with a TLD from one of the specified options


The field under validation must end in a valid Top Level Domain (TLD). The TLD is checked against a list of all acceptable TLDs, including internationalised domains in punycode notation

If no dots are contained in the supplied value, it will be assumed to be only a TLD.

If the value contains dots, only the part after the last dot will be validated.


The field under validation must end in a TLD from one of the specified options

If no dots are contained in the supplied value, it will be assumed to be only a TLD.

If the value contains dots, only the part after the last dot will be validated.