
Laravel SignalWire - Send Fax From Laravel

v1.0.1 2024-05-06 14:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 13:34:47 UTC


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Send Fax From Laravel package provides a Laravel-friendly interface for interacting with the SignalWire API, a cloud communication platform that offers services like voice, messaging, and video.

The package offers a variety of methods to interact with different aspects of the SignalWire services:

  • Fax Operations: You can send, receive, update, and delete faxes. This includes methods like faxes, sendFax, getFax, updateFax, and deleteFax.

  • Phone Numbers: You can list, create, update, and delete incoming phone numbers. This includes methods like listIncomingPhoneNumbers, createIncomingPhoneNumber, getIncomingPhoneNumber, updateIncomingPhoneNumber, deleteIncomingPhoneNumber, and getAvailablePhoneNumbers.

  • Fax Media: You can manage media related to faxes. This includes methods like faxMedias, getFaxMedia, and deleteFaxMedia.

The package uses the Facade pattern, which means you can access all these methods statically via the SignalWire facade. This makes it easy to use the SignalWire services in your Laravel application.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require halilcosdu/laravel-signalwire

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="signalwire-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'project_id' => env('SIGNALWIRE_PROJECT_ID'),
    'token' => env('SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN'),
    'space_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_SPACE_URL'),
    'incoming_phone_number_status_callback_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_INCOMING_PHONE_NUMBER_STATUS_CALLBACK_URL'), //create or update IncomingPhoneNumbers
    'incoming_phone_number_voice_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_INCOMING_PHONE_NUMBER_VOICE_URL'),// create or update IncomingPhoneNumbers


use HalilCosdu\SignalWire\Facades\SignalWire;

// Fax Operations
SignalWire::faxes(?string $dateCreateAfter = null, ?string $dateCreatedOnOrBefore = null, ?string $from = null, ?string $to = null)

SignalWire::sendFax(string $mediaUrl, string $to, string $from, ?string $statusCallback = null, string $quality = 'standard')

SignalWire::getFax(string $sid)

SignalWire::updateFax(string $sid, string $status)

SignalWire::deleteFax(string $sid)

// Phone Number Operations
SignalWire::listIncomingPhoneNumbers(?string $beta = null, ?string $friendlyName = null, ?string $origin = null, ?string $phoneNumber = null)

SignalWire::createIncomingPhoneNumber(string $areaCode, string $phoneNumber, ?string $addressSid = null, ?string $friendlyName = null, ?string $identitySid = null, ?string $smsApplicationSid = null, ?string $smsFallbackMethod = null, ?string $smsFallbackUrl = null, ?string $smsMethod = null, ?string $smsUrl = null, ?string $statusCallback = null, ?string $statusCallbackMethod = null, ?string $trunkSid = null, ?string $voiceApplicationSid = null, bool $voiceCallerIdLookup = false, ?string $voiceFallbackMethod = null, ?string $voiceFallbackUrl = null, ?string $voiceMethod = null, string $voiceReceiveMode = 'fax', ?string $voiceUrl = null)

SignalWire::getIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid)

SignalWire::updateIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid, string $friendlyName, string $smsUrl, string $smsMethod, string $voiceUrl, string $voiceMethod)

SignalWire::deleteIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid)

// Available Numbers to Buy
SignalWire::getAvailablePhoneNumbers(string $isoCountry, ?string $areaCode, bool $beta = false, ?string $contains = null, bool $excludeAllAddressRequired = false, bool $excludeLocalAddressRequired = false, bool $faxEnabled = false, string $inRegion = null, bool $mmsEnabled = false, bool $voiceEnabled = false)

// Fax Media
SignalWire::faxMedias(string $faxSid)

SignalWire::getFaxMedia(string $faxSid, string $mediaSid)

SignalWire::deleteFaxMedia(string $faxSid, string $mediaSid)


use HalilCosdu\SignalWire\Facades\SignalWire;

// Send Fax
SignalWire::sendFax('https://www.example.com/fax.pdf', '+1234567890', '+0987654321', 'https://www.example.com/fax-status-callback', 'standard');


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.