
GlobeGroup Functional Unit Tests Library for Symfony ^4.3

1.3 2020-01-03 12:16 UTC


composer require globegroup/api-test-case --dev

Every Functional test that you make for your API should extend GlobeGroup\ApiTest\ApiTestCase

This library allows you to easily load fixtures per every test, and restarts the database on before each test.


Create services.yml file under config/packages/test/

touch config/packages/test/services.yaml

Paste configuration to your newly created services.yml:

  # Here comes configuration for oAuth
    class: App\Entity\User\User #your user entity
    public: true
    autowire: true

    class: App\Entity\OAuth2\Client #your oauth client entity
    public: true
    autowire: true

    class: App\Entity\OAuth2\AccessToken #your oauth access token entity
    public: true
    autowire: true


Create new test case that will test one endpoint (ws) that name will tell what is does like:

  • ListingModelTest for testing lists,
  • CreatingModelTest for testing creation of entities or models,
  • DeletingModelTest for removing, marking as deleted or unassigning,
  • FetchingModelTest for showing one model/entity,

Every test has to explain what it does in use-case, good practice is to write them as `snake_case` Here are some examples:
/** @test */
function only_authorized_user_can_list_products() {
 ... your test goes here
  /** @test */
  function name_is_required() {
   ... your test goes here
/** @test */
function not_found_when_no_category_provided() {
 ... your test goes here


  • v0.1 - ApiTestCase, Traits, loading fixtures, asserting json, asserting status code
  • v1.0 - added oauth login, fixed array subset assertion, debug trait, changed to work in transaction
  • v1.1 - changed to webtestcase
  • v1.2 - added new fixtures way and fixed few problems