
Google Auth API SDK for Laravel

3.0 2023-05-23 21:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 00:54:24 UTC



The Google Auth SDK is an open source Composer package created by GitLab IT Engineering for use in internal Laravel applications for generating API tokens using Google JSON credentials that can be use for REST API endpoints when using the related gitlab-it/google-* SDK packages for each respective Google service.

Disclaimer: This is not an official package maintained by the GitLab or Google product and development teams. This is an internal tool that we use in the GitLab IT department that we have open sourced as part of our company values.

Please use at your own risk and create merge requests for any bugs that you encounter.

We do not maintain a roadmap of community feature requests, however we invite you to contribute and we will gladly review your merge requests.

v2 to v3 Upgrade Guide

There are several breaking changes with v3.0. See the v3.0 changelog to learn more.

What's Changed

  • The v3.0 release does not add any features and is focused on namespace breaking changes.
  • The glamstack/google-auth-sdk has been abandoned and has been renamed to gitlab-it/google-auth-sdk.
  • The namespace changed from Glamstack\GoogleAuth to GitlabIt\GoogleAuth.
  • Changed from a modified version of Calendar Versioning (CalVer) to using Semantic Versioning (SemVer).
  • License changed from Apache 2.0 to MIT

Migration Steps

This package is included as a dependency in gitlab-it/google-* SDK packages. These steps are only necessary if glamstack/google-auth-sdk exists in your composer.json file. Otherwise, simply update the gitlab-it/google-* SDK packages to ^3.0.

  1. Remove glamstack/google-auth-sdk from composer.json and add "gitlab-it/google-auth-sdk": "^3.0", then run composer update.
  2. Perform a find and replace across your code base from Glamstack\GoogleAuth to GitlabIt\GoogleAuth.


NameGitLab Handle
Dillon Wheeler@dillonwheeler
Jeff Martin@jeffersonmartin

How It Works

This package is used to authenticate with the Google OAuth2 Sever utilizing a Google Service Account JSON API key.

The OAUTH service will return a short-lived API token that can be used with the Laravel HTTP Client to perform GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, etc. API requests that can be found in the Google API Explorer documentation.

To provide a streamlined developer experience, this SDK will either take a file_path parameter that points to your JSON API key's storage path, or you can provide the JSON API key as a string in the json_key parameter.

This SDK does not utilize any .env files or configuration files, rather those should be configured in the application calling this SDK.

SDK Initialization


Authentication will fail if the api scopes requested is not configured for the Google Account.

You can learn more about the Authorization Scopes required by referencing the Google API Explorer documentation for the specific REST endpoint.

// Option 1
$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    // ...
    'api_scopes' => [''],
// Option 2
$api_scopes = [

$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    // ...
    'api_scopes' => $api_scopes,


You can provide either the file_path or the json_key as a string.

$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    // ...
    'file_path' => storage_path('keys/google_json_api_key.json'),


You can provide either the file_path or the json_key as a string.

Security Warning: You should never commit your service account key into your source code as a variable to avoid compromising your credentials for your GCP organization or projects.

// Get service account from your model (`GoogleServiceAccount` is an example)
$service_account = \App\Models\GoogleServiceAccount::where('id', '123456')->firstOrFail();

// Get JSON key string from database column that has an encrypted value
$json_key_string = decrypt($service_account->json_key);

$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    // ...
    'json_key' => $json_key_string,


This is an optional key.

This is only used by Google Workspace API and other services that use Domain-Wide Delegation. If you are only using the SDK for Google Cloud API services, you do not need to include this variable during initialization.

By default the client_email field will be used as the Subject Email. However, if you are utilizing this SDK to authenticate with any Google Endpoints that require Domain-Wide Delegation then you will have to add the subject_email key during initialization.

This email address is that of a user account in Google Workspace that contains the appropriate Administrative rights for the APIs that will be utilized. When developing or testing applications, this can be the email address of the developer or test account.

When running in production, this should be the email address of a bot service account that you have created as a Google Workspace user that has permissions scoped to the automation that your application provides.

$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    // ...
    'subject_email' => ''

Inline Usage

// Initialize the SDK using a JSON API key file
$google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
    'api_scopes' => [''],
    'file_path' => storage_path('keys/google_json_api_key.json'),

// Send Auth Request to get JWT token
$api_token = $google_auth->authenticate();

// Perform API Request using short-lived JWT token
$user_key = '';
$response = Http::withToken($api_token)
    ->get('' . $user_key);

return $response->object;

Class Methods

The examples above show basic inline usage that is suitable for most use cases. If you prefer to use classes and constructors, the example below will provide a helpful example.


use Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient;

class GoogleWorkspaceUserService
    protected $auth_token;

    public function __construct()
        $google_auth = new \Gitlabit\GoogleAuth\AuthClient([
            'api_scopes' => [''],
            'file_path' => storage_path('keys/google_json_api_key.json'),
        $this->auth_token = $google_auth->authenticate();

    public function getUser($user_key)
        $response = Http::withToken($this->auth_token)
            ->get('' . $user_key);

        return $response->object();




Add Composer Package

Still Using glamstack/google-auth-sdk (v2.x)? See the v3.0 Upgrade Guide for instructions to upgrade to gitlab-it/google-auth-sdk:^3.0.

composer require gitlab-it/google-auth-sdk:^3.0

If you are contributing to this package, see for instructions on configuring a local composer package with symlinks.

Related SDK Packages

This SDK provides authentication to be able to use the generic Laravel HTTP Client with any endpoint that can be found in the Google API Explorer.

We have created additional packages that provide defined methods for some of the common service endpoints that GitLab IT uses if you don't want to specify the endpoints yourself.

Logging Configuration

This package will not handle any logging configurations. Rather it will throw exceptions with applicable error messages. The logging of these should be handing via the calling application.

Security Best Practices

Google API Scopes

The default configuration file loaded with the package shows an example of the API scope configuration. Be sure to follow the Principle of Least Privilege. All of the Google Scopes can be found here.

You can learn more about the Authorization Scopes required by referencing the Google API Explorer documentation for the specific REST endpoint.

JSON Key Storage

Do not store your JSON key file anywhere that is not included in the .gitignore file. This is to avoid committing your credentials to your repository (secret leak)

It is a recommended to store a copy of each JSON API key in your preferred password manager (ex. 1Password, LastPass, etc.) and/or secrets vault (ex. HashiCorp Vault, Ansible, etc.).


These are the list of expected exceptions.

Missing Required Array Parameter

Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception\MissingOptionsException : The required option "api_scopes" is missing.

No JSON API Key Parameter Set

Exception : You must specify either the file_path or json_key in the connection_config array.

Invalid JSON API Key

Exception : Google SDK Authentication Error. Invalid JWT Signature.

Invalid or Mismatched API Scopes

Exception : Invalid OAuth scope or ID token audience provided.


There are both Unit and Feature test for this SDK. All unit test can be run out of the box, while feature test will require two keys to be loaded into the tests/Storage/keys/ directory.

Feature Test Key Names

  1. integration_test_key.json
    • This should be a valid JSON key
    • Used to verify authenticate function will return a proper Google API OAuth Token
  2. incorrect_key.json
    • This should NOT be a valid JSON key
    • Used to verify authenticate function will throw a proper exception message

Issue Tracking and Bug Reports

Disclaimer: This is not an official package maintained by the GitLab or Google product and development teams. This is an internal tool that we use in the GitLab IT department that we have open sourced as part of our company values.

Please use at your own risk and create merge requests for any bugs that you encounter.

We do not maintain a roadmap of community feature requests, however we invite you to contribute and we will gladly review your merge requests.

For GitLab team members, please create an issue in gitlab-it/google-auth-sdk (public) or gitlab-com/it/dev/issue-tracker (confidential).


Please see to learn more about how to contribute.